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于 2012-04-25 发布 文件大小:192KB
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  This code get the path of images and extract features of these images , then use the NN tool for training



0 个回复

  • 1
    说明:  关于模糊仿人智能控制matlab的小论文,描述了整个的模糊过程。(Essay on matlab fuzzy humanoid intelligent control, describes the entire fuzzy process)
    2012-03-25 10:51:54下载
  • power_flow_solution
    this is a matlab gui of power flow solutions, it has guass-seidel, newton raphson and fast decouple
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  • femmatlabexample
    matlab fem beam to solve displace
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  • Gabor-code
    GABOR 滤波器的实现方法的MATLAB源程序实现。实现方法比较简单,适合初学者学习。(Implementation of GABOR filter MATLAB source implementation. Implementation is relatively simple, suitable for beginners to learn.)
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  • Carrierfrequency
    在DAB系统中的频率同步,载频同步,参考一下Carrier frequency offset estimation of DAB receiver based on phase reference symbol(In the DAB system frequency synchronization, carrier frequency synchronization, refer to Carrier frequency offset estimation of DAB receiver based on phase reference symbol)
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  • matlabSDK
    说明:  二值图像水印的代码算法matlab实现,还没有完善(Binary image watermarking algorithm matlab code to achieve)
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  • imaqplot
    IMAQPLOT is a simple demonstration of previewing video data using the toolbox s TimerFcn callback. IMAQPLOT also allows users to integrate the video preview into any MATLAB GUI. These are capabilities that are present in the toolbox s PREVIEW command, but are presented here as a demonstration of TimerFcn callback. Using toolbox callback properties, you can configure a video input object to generate a live image plot display. Do you want a basic preview window created for you? Simply call: obj = videoinput( matrox , 1) obj.TimerFcn = @imaqplot obj.TimerPeriod = 0.1 obj.FramesPerTrigger = Inf start(obj) Do you want to add a preview window to an existing GUI? Simply provide IMAQPLOT a handle to an image object and it will update it for you: obj = videoinput( dt , 1) obj.TimerFcn = {@imaqplot, hImage} obj.TimerPeriod = 0.1 obj.FramesPerTrigger = Inf start(obj)
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  • Desktop
    追赶法解数学方程,主要用于数值运算,希望对大家有帮助(Solving mathematical equations to catch up, mainly for numerical computation, we want to help)
    2011-04-28 21:56:02下载
  • day
    用matlab编辑音乐,模拟萧的声音演奏天空之城(Use matlab to edit music)
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  • calculation-of-PBG-by-TMM
    利用传输矩阵法计算一维光子晶体能带结构的matlab程序,包含m文件以及计算案例的word文档。(Using the transfer matrix method to calculate one-dimensional photonic crystal band structure of the matlab program, including the case of m-file and to calculate the word document.)
    2011-11-28 21:18:51下载
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