说明: 首先要在登陆系统时有身份验证功能,其次能对有关学生的各类信息的数据进行添加、修改和删除,能对学生成绩的数据进行添加,修改,删除,能对学生信息进行按学号,姓名进行查询,能对学生成绩按照课程号和姓名进行查询;系统管理员除可实现普通用户的操作外还可以添加,修改,删除用户信息,并能对密码进行修改。(We must first login authentication, and second on the data of all kinds of information about students to add, modify and delete student achievement data to add, modify, delete, according to school student information, name queries on student achievement in accordance with the course number and name of the query In addition to the ordinary user of the operation, the system administrator can also add, modify, delete user information, and can modify the password. )