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于 2010-06-01 发布 文件大小:5593KB
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  图像处理中图像几何畸变校正程序,用于图像的广角畸变的校正。(Image processing procedures for image geometric distortion correction for images of wide-angle distortion correction.)



0 个回复

  • 09_Direct
    人民邮电出版社,《VC++数字图像处理典型算法及实现》-- 第9章图像分割。 包括图像的并行边界分割、串行边界分割、并行区域分割、串行区域分割、Canny算子的实现等源代码(Posts )
    2008-06-03 11:11:23下载
  • qicanshu
    说明:  用于三维空间坐标系变换的7参数模型,在设计坐标系变换的各行业应用中用的最多,从数学角度来说也是最严密的转换方法。 由于结果中最多可求得七个转换参数,即三个平移参数、三个旋转参数(Ex、Ey、Ez)和一个尺度缩放因子(m),因此,通常也被称为七参数法。 (Three-dimensional coordinate system transformation for the 7 parameter model, coordinate system transformation in the design of applications using the most, the industry, from the mathematical point of view, the conversion is the most rigorous methods. Since the results can be obtained up to seven transformation parameters, ie three translation parameters, three rotation parameters (Ex, Ey, Ez) and a zoom scale factor (m), therefore, often referred to as seven-parameter method.)
    2011-04-05 09:09:15下载
  • Fcorrnerdeteeo
    用于摄像机标定的Harris角点检测代码码。能达到亚像素精度。压缩包内附说明文档。 (Harris corner detection for camera calibration code code. To achieve sub-pixel accuracy. The compressed package included documentation.)
    2020-11-11 15:29:46下载
  • deleteLittleAre
    算法实现消除小面积的区域,保留面积大的区域.对去除小斑点很稳健.(Algorithm to achieve the elimination of small areas of the region to retain the large area of the region. For the removal of small spots very sound.)
    2007-07-16 17:23:00下载
  • otsu-canny
    基于otsu的自适应阀值canny边缘检测(adaptive canny edge detection based on otsu)
    2020-06-27 02:00:02下载
  • lanxufa
    摄影测量源码,连续法的相对定向算法,提供实验数据和程序(Photogrammetric source, the relative orientation algorithm of the continuous method, the experimental data and procedures)
    2012-07-25 10:53:47下载
  • houseDetect
    小型图像处理平台,包括滤波,边缘提取,边缘优化以及图像匹配功能(Small image processing platform, including filtering, edge detection, edge optimization and image matching function)
    2009-05-13 21:05:30下载
  • feature-extract
    几个大牛对集成了国内外特征提取最前沿的算法,特征提取,DOG,HARRIS,HARRIS-LAPLACE,HARRIS-AFFINE,MSER.描述符,SIFT,AFFINE-SIFT,GLOH.经测试,速度快,描述符准确。(Integration of feature extraction algorithms from several expert of domestic and international, feature extraction: DOG, HARRIS, HARRIS-LAPLACE, HARRIS-AFFINE, MSER; Descriptors: SIFT, AFFINE-SIFT, GLOH. The test reveal the speed and accurate descriptor.)
    2010-05-10 17:23:44下载
  • Kmeans
    说明:  基于Kmeans算法的图像分割,一般Kmeans是数据挖掘中用来聚类的,本试验利用图像中的灰度值作为Kmeans算法的原始点,进行图像分割(Kmeans algorithm based on image segmentation, data mining in general Kmeans is used to clustering, the trial use of the image gray value as the original algorithm Kmeans spots for Image Segmentation)
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  • PS
    说明:  讲述PS技术的抠图经典问题,帮助你快速熟悉抠图的精华!(PS about the classic problem of technology, matting, matting to help you quickly familiar with the essence!)
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