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于 2010-05-31 发布 文件大小:554KB
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  模式识别中各种分类算法演示Demonstrate a variety of classification algorithms in pattern recognition(Demonstrate a variety of classification algorithms in pattern recognition)



0 个回复

  • Signal-and-System-Experiment-Docs
    信号与系统的matlab编程实验与仿真。(Signals and systems matlab programming experiment and simulation.)
    2012-06-16 15:55:22下载
  • ZigBeeIEEE
    The implementation was built on Matlab/Simulink using fundamental components in Simulink to demonstrate how reliably complex modulation schemes can be built, cost effectively and efficiently [5]. The design of ZigBee transmitter using MSK modulation is shown in the Figure 1. Here we map input data bits to 8-chip PN sequences to be transmitted and results in a chip rate of two mega chips per second. After that, resultant chip sequence is send to the serial to parallel converter. It is used here to separate the odd and even bit indexed chips. Following this bipolar data formatting is performed and signal modulated with a 2.4 GHz carrier on the In Phase and QuadraturePhase data stream and adds it to get the required transmitter output signal.
    2014-09-23 20:56:58下载
  • crush-paper
    2013年全国大学生数学建模本科组B题:采用Matlab软件编程,程序易理解,类似C(2013 National Undergraduate Students' Mathematical Modeling Group B title: using Matlab software programming, the program is easy to understand, similar to the C)
    2013-12-06 15:46:54下载
  • GMSK
    为了提高移动通信系统中数据传输的有效性能,降低GMSK调制系统的误码率. 首先对GMSK调制系统进行分析,得到不同BT值GMSK调制的移动通信系统误码率和带宽的关系.通过引入具有纠错性能的编码技术,降低信息传输的误码率,提高系统的有效性. 本文给出了引入编码技术的GMSK调制系统的仿真模型,仿真结果表明,在相同的信噪比下,系统的误码率降低了1~2dB.(This paper mainly intends to improve the performance of the communication system and decrease the error bit rate of the information. First , the GMSKmodulation system was analyzed , and the relation of the BER and bandwidth in the different BT value was obtained. By introducing the encoding technology , the error bit rate of the information was lowered so that the performance of systemwas improved. This paper presents a simulated model . The results show that the BER of the system in the same SNR can lower 1 to 2 dB.)
    2010-05-16 21:43:28下载
  • DFC
    Decorrelated fast cipher source code from state technical university in Russia
    2014-01-13 15:08:23下载
  • hopfield
    提供了hopfield 的MATLAB程序,该程序简单易行,可以在MATLAB中得到应用(Introduce a program about the hopfield ,the program is easy and can be used in the program.)
    2012-04-02 17:27:18下载
  • bayes_bati
    采用bayes方法进行模型的校正,先验分布和似然函数采用时间序列模型,压箱底的东西(Using Bayes method for the calibration of the model, the prior distribution and the likelihood function using time series models, bottom pressure thing)
    2013-04-24 17:32:46下载
  • PF_MATLAB_new
    一个非常不错的粒子滤波工具箱,基于面向对象的思想,matlab实现,实现非线性滤波,包括SIR,SIS粒子滤波以及相应的GUI实现(an object-oriented MATLAB toolbox for nonlinear filtering. It includes algorithms for SIR and SIS particle filters )
    2014-01-13 17:15:12下载
    这个程序包里面包含读取遥感影像的IDL代码,可以读取多个波段,并且显示图像!(This package which contains the IDL remote sensing image to read the code, which can be read by a number of bands, and display images!)
    2009-06-16 22:38:22下载
  • Externalizable
    Defines an interface for classes that want to be serializable, but have their own binary representation.
    2014-02-19 10:55:00下载
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