由于libsvm的matlab版本的工具箱libsvm-mat并没有给出寻参的函数模块,而无论利用libsvm工具箱进行分类还是回归,参数的选取是十分重要的,鉴于此libsvm-mat-2.89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]在 libsvm-mat-2.89-3的基础上给出相应的辅助函数插件,方便用户来选取最佳的参数,现对该工具箱里主要的辅助函数插件的接口进行介绍。(As the matlab version of the toolbox libsvm libsvm-mat and did not give to find a function module parameters, regardless of classification using libsvm toolbox or regression, parameter selection is very important, in view of the libsvm-mat-2.89-3 [ FarutoUltimate3.0] in libsvm-mat-2.89-3 is given on the basis of the corresponding auxiliary function plugin user to select the best parameters, the toolbox is the main interface to plug the auxiliary functions are introduced.)