这个m-文件允许你导出所有在命令窗口中的文本到字符串单元阵列,每个条目是一个从窗口文本行。未分析的原始字符串也可以,如果需要的话。 操作非常简单 -此文件查找在根窗口,并得到适当的Java对象从文本。 我一直在寻找一种方式做,特别是一些软件中的错误我始终跟踪这,似乎已经没有人写了这种方法,所以我现在在这里供您使用。(This m-file allows you to export all text in the Command Window to a cell array of strings, each entry being a line of text from the window. The unparsed raw string is also available, if desired. Operation is very simple- this file looks for the appropriate java object in the root window and gets text from it. I was looking for a way to do this, particularly for error tracking in some software I maintain, and nobody seemed to have written up this method, so I present it here for you to use.)