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于 2011-05-23 发布 文件大小:4059KB
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   第一章介绍模糊集合的基本概念、建立模糊集合隶属度函数的基本方法以及Matlab模糊工具箱中的函数的应用。第二章判别分析方法包括距离判别、模糊集合的贴近度判别以及最大隶属原则。第三章在模糊矩阵概念的基础上,给出了模糊聚类的基本方法以及模糊C均值聚类的Matlab实现。第四章模糊综合评价,建立了客观性权向量、模糊矩阵的综合评价方法。第五章层次分析法介绍了模糊层次分析的建模方法与应用。第六章在普通线性规划的基础上,引入模糊线性规划、多目标规划的模糊最优解以及模糊线性规划在经济中的应用实例。   本书主要对象是财经类院校本科生,可以作为数学建模第二课堂的辅导教材,也可供硕士研究生以及科技工作者参考。(The first chapter introduces the basic concepts of fuzzy sets, fuzzy set membership function to establish the basic methods and functions in the Matlab fuzzy toolbox application. Chapter sub-discriminant analysis, including distance Do not, determine closeness of fuzzy sets and the maximum membership principle. The third chapter in the fuzzy matrix based on the concept, given the basic methods of fuzzy clustering and fuzzy C means clustering of the Matlab implementation. S Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of four chapters, the establishment of the objectivity of the weight vector, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation matrix. Chapter V describes the fuzzy AHP AHP modeling methods and applications. Chapter VI in the general linear Planning based on fuzzy linear programming, multiobjective programming and fuzzy optimal solution of fuzzy linear programming application example in the economy. This book is the main target of Financial College undergraduates, mathematical modeling can be used)


Fuzzy Mathematics and Applications.pdf,4498614,2011-04-07



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