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于 2012-04-17 发布 文件大小:152KB
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  用最优化方法解决最优化问题的技术称为最优化技术,它包含两个方面的内容: (1)建立数学模型,即用数学语言来描述最优化问题。模型中的数学关系式反映了最优化问题所要达到的目标和各种约束条件; (2)数学求解,数学模型建好以后,选择合理的最优化方法进行求解。 (With optimization method to solve the optimization technology, called the optimum technology, it contains two aspects: (1) established the mathematical model, which is the mathematical language to describe the optimization problem. Model of the mathematical relationship reflects the optimal problem to achieve and all constraint conditions (2) solving mathematics, mathematical model built after, choice of reasonable solution of the optimization method.)



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  • camtest2
    基于IEC61131—3标准的连续定位运动模块MC—PositionProfile,可以使用户方便的定义几点,然 后实现加速度平滑变化的运动。虽然其保证了加速度的平滑过渡,但没有考虑轴会发生反转,本文讨论的是 在保证加速度变化平滑的基础上实现轴的单向运动。(IEC61131-3 standard based on the continuous positioning movement module MC-PositionProfile, allows the user to easily define points, and then change to achieve smooth acceleration of the movement. Although its acceleration to ensure a smooth transition, but did not consider the axis will be reversed, this discussion is to ensure the smooth acceleration on the basis of changes in one-way movement axis.)
    2010-12-28 17:01:21下载
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