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  this is matlab document which is used for data in matlab



0 个回复

  • FIR
    FIR滤波器,实现了消除心电信号中的杂音。(FIR filter, to achieve the elimination of noise ECG.)
    2008-12-11 18:50:17下载
  • OFDM
    OFDM基本原理仿真程序,本程序是基于IFFTFFT实现的OFDM系统仿真(The basic principles of OFDM simulation program, this program is implemented based on the OFDM system simulation IFFTFFT)
    2009-10-23 10:37:43下载
  • s174
    说明:  matlab 设备更新问题,工厂生产设备的维修与更换的最优解,附注释(matlab update equipment, factory equipment maintenance and replacement of the optimal solution, with Notes)
    2008-09-19 22:17:16下载
  • GaussianClutterPowerSpectrumEstimation
    本程序已被本人整理到WORD文档中,编程语言为MATLAB,程序中首先利用非递归法产生滤波器系数,生成相关高斯杂波,直接对杂波信号作FFT变换,结果取模平方后除以长度N,即可得到杂波的功率谱,设计参数皆在文档中表明。此程序已经验证是正确可执行的,并能生成图形,值得下载!( This program has been organized into WORD document I, the programming language MATLAB, the program produced the first method using non-recursive filter coefficients to generate the relevant Gaussian clutter, clutter signals directly to FFT transform, the result after the square modulus divided by the length of the N, can be obtained the power spectrum of clutter, design parameters are indicated in the document. This procedure has been verified is correct executable, and can generate the graph, it is worth to download!)
    2009-12-16 19:26:38下载
  • Matlab有限元结构动力学分析与工应用(源序)
    Matlab有限元结构动力学分析与工程应用(源程序)(Matlab Code Of finite element method)
    2021-01-08 00:38:52下载
  • zhuiganfa
    matlab用追赶法,列主高斯消元法求解方程组(matlab with the pursuit method, the column main Gaussian elimination method for solving equations)
    2010-12-10 15:56:49下载
  • sjcz
    matlab中的数据插值描述,和大家一起分享参考(Matlab interpolation of data description, and others together to share information)
    2007-04-18 11:09:03下载
  • unknownfunc
    plotting training data from the "unknown function" G(x,z)
    2012-02-09 03:52:01下载
  • ga
    说明:  遗传算法借鉴了达尔文的进化论和孟德尔的生物遗传学说,模拟大自然界生物进化 机制,是一种高效、并行、全局搜索的优化方法。它能够在搜索过程中自动获取和积累 有关搜索空间的知识,并自适应控制搜索过程以求得最优解。(Genetic algorithm draws on Darwin s theory of evolution and Mendel s biological genetics, simulation of the nature of biological evolution Mechanism, is an efficient, parallel, global search optimization method. It can be automatically acquired and accumulated during the search process Knowledge about the search space, and adaptive control of the search process in order to obtain the optimal solution.)
    2016-12-19 10:43:34下载
  • 压缩感知序源码 BCS
    压缩感知程序源码,Blind compressed sensing (BCS)不需要在采样和恢复阶段预先知道稀疏基。源码对于研究压缩感知前沿具有很好的借鉴意义。(The fundamental principle underlying compressed sensing is that a signal, which is sparse under some basis representation, can be recovered from a small number of linear measurements. However, prior knowledge of the sparsity basis is essential for the recovery process. Blind compressed sensing (BCS) avoids the need to know the sparsity basis in both the sampling and the recovery process. That is, BCS aims at recovering an ensemble of vectors, all sparse under the same unknown basis, given small number of linear measurements of these vectors. )
    2020-06-29 05:40:01下载
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