这个工具是同伴的图书软件的复杂性管理的模糊系统 ,斯普林格,2010。 一个新的规则为基础的系统类型,称为规则为基础的网络,已与行动建议操作规则库的互联网络,形成一个等效的单规则库。这些行动最近已实现为基于Matlab工具箱,但仅限于个人使用的节点对。此工具自动执行正确网络中的所有节点的基本操作。该工具会让你更容易实现用尽可能少的用户交互的各种规模的规则为基础的网络 (This tool is companion software for the book Complexity Management in Fuzzy Systems , Springer, 2010. A novel type of rule based system, called a rule based network, has been suggested with operations to manipulate networks of interconnected rule bases to form an equivalent single rule base. These operations have recently been implemented as a Matlab based toolbox, but are limited to individual use on pairs of nodes. This tool automatically performs the basic operations correctly on all nodes in a network. The tool will make it much simpler to implement rule based networks of all sizes with as little user interaction as possible. )