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于 2012-04-15 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  applying ICA on multi lead ecg to extract foetal ecg



0 个回复

  • FDTD
    一个二维的FDTD程序 本程序实现2维TM波FDTD仿真 此程序用PML设置吸收边界条件 FDTD_2D_kongqi_PML 仅含有Ez,Hx,Hy分量 (A two-dimensional FDTD program program realization of the wave 2-D TM FDTD simulation this program set with the PML absorbing boundary condition FDTD_2D_kongqi_PML contain only Ez, Hx, Hy component)
    2011-01-08 00:27:48下载
  • Diffusion-system-of-concentration-
    扩散系统之浓度分布的装置。管中储放静止液体B,高度为L=10 ㎝,放置于充满A 气体的 环境中。假设与B 液体接触面之浓度为3 C 0 0.01mol m A = ,且此浓度不随时间改变 而改变,即在操作时间内( h = 10天)维持定值。气体A 在液体B 中之扩散系数为 D m s AB = 2×10− 9 2 。试决定以下两种情况下,气体A溶于液体B中之流通量(flux)。 (a) A 与B 不发生反应; (b) A 与B 发生以下之反应 A+ B→C , A A − r = kC 其反应速率常数k = 2×10− 7 s− 1。 (Diffusion system of concentration reference device shown in Figure 3. Tube in the store still liquid B, L = 10 cm height, placed in full A gas environment. Assuming the contact surface of the liquid with the B concentration of 3 C 0 0.01mol m A =, and this concentration does not change with time and change, that is, the operating time (h = 10 days) to maintain constant. Gas A in liquid B, the diffusion coefficient D ms AB = 2 × 10-9 2. Decided the following two test cases, the gas dissolved in liquid B in the A liquid (flux). (A) A and B do not react (b) A and B of the following reaction occurs A+ B → C, AA- r = kC, the reaction rate constant k = 2 × 10-7 s-1.)
    2011-08-30 22:26:43下载
  • zoom-fft
    局部频谱细化算法的实时效率 比较zoom-fft各种算法(Local spectrum thinning algorithm more efficient, real-time zoom-fft algorithms)
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    麦克风阵列的节点定位 运用MDS进行位置标定(Node localization of microphone array MDS)
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  • Occam1DCSEM_v3.13
    说明:  可以进行大地电磁计算;Occam反演;一维反演(it can be used in CSEM occam inversion,which has great advantage.)
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  • Vision_Tarea4
    Aplicacion de filtros en tiempo real con una camara web
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  • OFDMsystem
    LTE系统中OFDM技术的仿真,包括循环前缀的插入去除,调制解调等主要步骤(The OFDM system of LTE, CP-OFDM, including of Cyclic Prefix modulation-demodulation and so on.)
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  • cd
    说明:  matlab based lens designing code
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  • matlab6.5xiaobofenxi
    小波分析与应用例程在matlaB中的实现,压缩包里面包含讲义和源代码。(Wavelet analysis routines in MATLAB to achieve compression package which contains the lecture notes and source code.)
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  • Matlab_sample
    主要介绍matlab程序下动态数据的采集(Matlab program introduced under the dynamic data collection)
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