快速扩展随机生成树算法(RRT)matlab 仿真演示。 (simulation of Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) based on MATLAB.)
- 2020-10-13 11:47:32下载
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fuzzy and pid contrô le appliction of transfer function
- 2011-01-13 16:33:05下载
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说明: 提供几乎所有有关TSP问题的MATLAB解法集合,适合学习和研究者使用。(err)
- 2008-11-14 16:43:04下载
- 积分:1
使用基2FFT对添白噪声的电力信号进行频谱变换分析(Use base 2FFT add white noise on the power signal spectrum transform analysis)
- 2015-04-23 19:51:26下载
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说明: 本文介绍了控制系统中的经典问题— — —倒立摆及其基本原理,
简要介绍了 Ma tlab中倒立摆控制的实现方法。由于倒立摆的研究具
有重要的工程背景,本文结合了二级倒立摆的 ma tlab仿真,实现二自
由度机器人 PD控制的 ma tlab仿真 ,取得了较好的效果。(This article describes the classic problem of the control system--- inverted pendulum and its basic principles, a brief introduction Ma tlab the inverted pendulum control method. The inverted pendulum has important engineering background, this paper combines the ma tlab double inverted pendulum simulation, to achieve two degrees of freedom robot ma tlab PD control simulation, and achieved good results.)
- 2011-03-31 09:43:26下载
- 积分:1
采用移动通信中的基扩展信道建模来模拟真实信道对信道进行建模(Using mobile communication base extended channel modeling to simulate real channel the channel is modeled)
- 2020-10-15 14:17:29下载
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微网的经济运行研究_李乐,智能电网经济运行的多目标调度优化策略_英文_郑漳华,基于Matlab_Simulink的微型燃气轮机动态仿真研究_严志远向文国张士杰(Micro-economic research network run _ Lee, Multi-objective economic operation of smart grid scheduling optimization strategy _ English _ Zheng Zhang Hua, dynamic simulation based Matlab_Simulink microturbine _ Wen Guo Zhang Shijie to)
- 2014-05-29 20:47:13下载
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matlab source code to perform jpeg compression using humfman coding
- 2010-12-30 19:34:58下载
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遗传算法实现,matlab,解决tsp旅行商问题(heredity tsp matlab)
- 2014-08-29 00:45:21下载
- 积分:1
matlab reference manual
- 2010-06-13 20:49:14下载
- 积分:1