首页 » matlab » FCM_tool_box[byPfaruto]


于 2011-05-18 发布 文件大小:107KB
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  模糊C均值(FCM)算法工具箱,可以直接使用,基于MATLAB编写,呵呵(Fuzzy C Means (FCM) algorithm toolbox, can be used directly, based on MATLAB write, huh, huh)



0 个回复

  • 28587376karlman
    说明:  卡尔曼滤波器matlab源码,初学者可以作为参考,也可以直接应用(Kalman filter matlab source)
    2011-04-18 09:23:36下载
  • RBF.m
    rbf RBF网络用于建模 ,过程很适合初学者懂的。很详细,很容易的!(RBF RBF network used for modeling, process is suitable for beginners understand. Very detailed, easy! )
    2011-11-13 18:24:28下载
  • FastTools
    FastTools,比系统自带的Vlookup sum自带的快多啦!!(FastTools, a lot faster than the Vlookup sum comes with a built-in system!!)
    2014-12-11 09:53:40下载
  • PCAmatlabdocx
    用于主成分分析的源码,由例子可以直接了解PCA的步骤方法(Principal component analysis of the source code used by the example of the method can be directly aware of the steps of PCA)
    2014-01-14 13:04:50下载
  • 2DMaxima
    在二维空间里有两个点A=(X1,Y1)和B=(X2,Y2),如果X1>X2并且Y1>Y2 ,我们认为A优于B,A是这个集合的最大极值点,在给定的二维空间里的N个点的集合S中,找出最大极值点。(In two-dimensional space, there are two points = A = (X1, Y1) and B (X2, Y2), if the X1 and Y1 > X2 > Y2, we think that A is superior to B, A is the biggest extreme value point of the set, in A given set of N points in the two-dimensional space S, find out the most extreme value point.)
    2013-12-24 21:02:56下载
  • MATLAB-language
    差值、函数逼近、矩阵特征值计算、数值微分、数值积分、方程求根、非线性方程组求解、线性方程组直接法、线性方程组迭代法、随机数生成、特殊函数计算、常微分方程初值问题、偏微分方程数值解法、数据统计和分析(Difference, function approximation, eigenvalue calculation, numerical differentiation, numerical integration, finding roots of equations, nonlinear equations, linear equations, direct method, iterative linear equations, random number generator, a special function to calculate , initial value problems of ordinary differential equations, numerical solution of partial differential equations, statistics and analysis)
    2011-08-29 09:31:38下载
  • MATLAB-Simulink
    通信工程方面的matlab电子书!希望对大家学习有用!(Communications engineering matlab book! We want to learn useful!)
    2011-10-02 10:20:47下载
  • VS2005CallMatlab
    VS2005调用matlab,适合于初学者学习研究(VS2005callmatlab,for the students who study early)
    2011-12-05 16:10:16下载
  • kalmanPmeanshift
    在基于核的meanshift算法框架下,利用kalman算法实现目标模型更新,从而有效的实现运动目标跟踪(In core based meanshift algorithm framework, using Kalman algorithm to achieve the target model update, so as to effectively realize the moving target tracking)
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  • adaptive-line-enhancer
    自适应线谱增强算法通过自适应技术减弱噪声,并增强有用信号的功率谱。(This demonstration illustrates the application of adaptive filters to signal separation using a structure called an adaptive line enhancer (ALE). In adaptive line enhancement, a measured signal x(n) contains two signals, an unknown signal of interest v(n), and a nearly-periodic noise signal eta(n). The goal is to remove the noise signal the measured signal to obtain the signal of interest)
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