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于 2007-09-23 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  最近几年,社会上地理信息系统和电子地图技术越来越受到大家的关注,很多单位和个人都投入了大量的人力和物力进行了相关的设计开发。在这些实际的开发问题中,我想就公交车换乘自动查询系统的核心算法的设计和分析做一个不成体统的研究,还希望同志们能帮我指正错误,帮助提高。(In recent years, the community of GIS and digital map technology is receiving increasing attention to the U.S., many units and individuals have invested considerable human and material resources to carry out the relevant design and development. In the development of these practical issues, I would like to change bus system automatically query the core of algorithm design and analysis不成体统to do a study, and also hope to help my comrades error correction to help improve.)





0 个回复

  • 28335-SCI
    DSP 28335串口SCI收发,查询模式和中断模式可选(DSP2833x Device SCI Digital Loop Back porgram)
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  • gghhk
    再来一个就可以下载东东了(then one can be downloaded on the Wanton)
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