Gridding is a method of interpolating data from an arbitrary 2D sampling pattern to a uniform grid. In MRI, this allows rapid image reconstruction. There are numerous publications on MR gridding reconstruction. The tar file includes numerous .m scripts, and C code that can be compiled to a .mex function. You will need to compile the MEX functions - in Matlab try "mex gridlut_mex.c" and "mex calcdcflut_mex.c" These should result in files gridlut_mex.mex??? and calcdcflut_mex.mex??? where ??? depends on your operating system. Run the function spiralexample.m in Matlab. (Gridding is a method of interpolating data from an arbitrary 2D sampling pattern to a uniform grid. In MRI, this allows rapid image reconstruction. There are numerous publications on MR gridding reconstruction. The tar file includes numerous .m scripts, and C code that can be compiled to a .mex function. You will need to compile the MEX functions- in Matlab try "mex gridlut_mex.c" and "mex calcdcflut_mex.c" These should result in files gridlut_mex.mex??? and calcdcflut_mex.mex??? where ??? depends on your operating system. Run the function spiralexample.m in Matlab. )