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于 2010-05-22 发布 文件大小:2976KB
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  本程序实现了对影像特征点自动提取,利用Morevac、Forstner、Harris3个经典算子。在此基础上利用相关系数法实现影像自动匹配,并且引入最小二乘平差,使匹配点精度有所提高。 在搜索点过程中,利用了核线影像特性,对二维影像搜索使用了爬山法启发式搜索。对大数据量影像采用影像金字塔结构处理。 1、使用GDAL库读取影片,支持TIFF、PNG、JPEG、JPG、BMP、GIF、IMG格式读取。使用GDI绘图。 2、防止大数据量绘图视图闪烁,图片显示采用双缓存技术。 3、保存视图数据为图片文件,支持TIFF、PNG、JPEG、JPG、BMP、GIF格式保存。 4、TreeCtrl控件、ListCtrl控件的基本操作。 5、MFC单文档程序视图通讯、更换视图、视图分割。(This program of image features automatic extraction point, use Morevac, Forstner, Harris3 a classic operator. Based on the correlation coefficient method using the image matching, realization and introducing least squares adjustment, the matching point to improve precision. In the search process, the use of the image characteristics of nuclear line, 2d image search using the heuristic method of climbing. For large quantity of data using image processing image pyramid structure. 1, using film, read GDAL repository support JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, BMP, JPG, read IMG format. Use GDI drawing. 2 and prevent large amount of data, drawing view pictures showed adopt double caching techniques. 3, save for the image file, views data support JPEG, TIFF, JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP format. 4 and TreeCtrl controls, the basic operation ListCtrl controls. 5 and MFC single document procedure view communication, replace view, view.)


test data




0 个回复

  • Fisheye_calibration
    windows下c++鱼眼校正,debug内exe可直接运行看结果。内附参考文献,更详细文献可见论文《超大广角畸变图像的校正和展开》。(C++ fisheye correction under windows, debug within exe can run directly to see the results. With reference to the literature, more detailed literature can be seen in the paper "super wide-angle distortion image correction and expansion".)
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