- XCS for Dynamic Environments + Continuous versions of XCS + Test problem: real multiplexer + Experiments: XCS is explored in dynamic environments with different magnitudes of change to the underlying concepts. +Reference papers: H.H. Dam, H.A. Abbass, C.J. Lokan, Evolutionary Online Data Mining – an Investigation in a Dynamic Environment. 2005, accepted for a book chapter in Springer Series on Studies in Computational Intelligence H.H. Dam, H.A. Abbass, C.J. Lokan, Be Real! XCS with Continuous-Valued Inputs. IWLCS 2005, (International Workshop on Learning Classifier Systems). Washington DC, June 2005.(- XCS for Continuous Dynamic Environments Test versions of XCS problem : real multiplexer Experiments : XCS is explored in dynamic environments with di fferent magnitudes of change to the underlying concepts. Reference papers : H. H. Dam, H. A. Abbass, C. J. Lokan. Evolutionary Online Data Mining-an Investiga tion in a Dynamic Environment. 2005. accepted for a book chapter in Springer Series o n Studies in Computational Intelligence H.H. D am, H. A. Abbass, C. J. Lokan. Be Real! XCS with Continuous- Valued Inputs. IW LCS 2005. (International Workshop on Learning Classifi er Systems). Washington DC, June 2005.)