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于 2010-05-20 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  • UML
    System passenger turns giving agencies
    2012-07-04 18:05:22下载
  • tuxiangyasuo
    基于DCT变换的图像压缩的基本原理及其实现步骤。采用DCT变换压缩的依据。图像压缩过程的最后步骤是编码量化了的图像。在此,我采用的是Huffman编码方法。并使用MATLAB7.0实现DCT图像压缩的仿真。(DCT based on the image compression)
    2011-11-15 21:23:16下载
  • mathproblemaboutmechanics
    经典力学中的数学问题 可能有助于大家利用matlab开发或解决工程上遇到的力学问题(Mathematical problems in classical mechanics may help to use MATLAB to develop or solve mechanical problems encountered in engineering)
    2013-05-17 06:23:33下载
  • Newton
    This code would calculate the approximate root of any polynomial using Newton Raphson Method
    2009-10-24 03:03:05下载
  • map-world-china-america
    用matlab编写的世界地图和美国地图的函数文件,用于绘制matlab环境下的世界地图和美国地图(World map and the map of the United States using matlab function files used to draw the Matlab environment map of the world and the United States map)
    2013-02-25 16:10:10下载
  • SPGP_dist
    这是一个关于稀疏高斯过程的matlab源码,可以用于计算测试输入的高斯预测值。( spgp_pred computes the SPGP predictive distribution for a set of test inputs. You need to supply a set of pseudo-inputs or basis vectors for the approximation, and suitable hyperparameters for the covariance. You can use any method you like for finding the pseudo-inputs , with the simplest obviously being a random subset of the data. It is coded for Gaussian covariance function, but you could very easily alter this. It is also fine to use for high dimensional data sets. spgp_lik is the SPGP (negative) marginal likelihood and gradients with respect to pseudo-inputs and hyperparameters. So you can use this if you wish to try to optimize the positioning of pseudo-inputs and find good hyperparameters, before using spgp_pred . I would recommend initializing the pseudo-inputs on a random subset of the data, and initializing the hyperparameters sensibly. Its current limitations are that 1) it is slow and memory intensive for high dimensional data sets 2) it is heavi)
    2021-05-13 07:30:02下载
  • GA_Nonlinear
    基于遗传算法和非线性规划的函数询优算法用来求解非线性规划问题(Genetic algorithms and non-linear programming optimization algorithm based on a function of exercise)
    2014-10-08 10:38:39下载
  • rk4
    说明:  初始值问题的数值求解。利用MATLAB编写RK4计算程序,计算结果准确。可为研究工作提供帮助。(The numerical solution of the initial value problem.)
    2019-05-11 09:05:29下载
  • Single-Phase-half-controlled-bridge-rectifier-ALP
    Single-Phase half-controlled bridge rectifier ALPHA=120
    2012-08-06 23:11:21下载
  • MM1-fangzhen
    M/M/1排队系统仿真,包括时延分析,平均队长,排队时间等(M/M/1 queuing system simulation, including the delay analysis, the average captain, queuing time, etc.)
    2020-12-26 09:09:03下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104444会员总数
  • 15今日下载