许多重要的机械系统平稳运行机制下(负载),但许多观察到的症状在某种程度上取决于条件在系统负荷和/或环境条件。因此状态监测的一个了这类系统应该有一些可能的症状观察到一个标准的荷载工况。(Many critical mechanical systems operate in a non-stationary regime (load ), and many observed symptoms of its condition depend in a some way on a system load and/or environmental conditions. Hence the condition monitoring of a such systems ought to have some possibility of rescaling of observed symptoms to a standard load condition. This papershows such a possibility of a symptoms rescaling in application to multidimensional vibration condition monitoring. It is shown on some real example of vibration condition monitoring, that rescaling of symptoms can make more reliable theassessment of current system condition, as well as its prognosis.)