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于 2013-07-31 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  把三角函数的和 按周期的不同 把需要的周期函数 抽出来 相当于滤波器的作用(The trigonometric functions and the need to press the different cycles of periodic functions to extract the equivalent filter function)



0 个回复

  • mfcc
    mfcc特征提取的程序,程序还需要enframe和melbankm,会一起上传(mfcc feature extraction procedures, the program also needs enframe and melbankm, upload them together)
    2013-08-22 16:59:01下载
  • Astar2
    最经典的ASTAR算法 很实用的 学机器人的可以进(The most classic ASTAR algorithm very practical learning robot can enter)
    2012-11-23 20:30:44下载
  • Fischer-algorithm
    误比特算法(Fischer algorithm for min BER)(Fischer algorithm for min BER)
    2012-03-27 15:07:51下载
  • ing0036
    Etude et Simulation d’estimateurs et observateurs robustes de flux et de vitesse pour la machine asynchrone
    2014-08-14 23:48:01下载
  • 2DFDTDscatteringfuben
    This program simulate PML as absorbing boundary condition for 2D-FDTD of TMz mode EM wave. This program works for any rectangular workspace with same or different step size in x and y direction
    2015-02-05 14:59:45下载
  • evaluation-of-integrals
    积分计算中运用辛普森系列公式求函数的数值积分。(How to use Simpson series formula expression functions caltulating numerical intergration.)
    2011-05-06 16:17:37下载
  • the-fuction-of-the-differential
    this is the function of the the differential of equation that program the modeling
    2013-01-02 11:47:14下载
  • huiguiguidao
    回归轨道卫星,回归周期1天,倾角分别为60度,周期为4h。(Orbit satellites, one day return period, inclination of 60 degrees and a period of 4h.)
    2021-04-14 20:08:55下载
  • success_searchSCH
    GSM 广播控制信道 的同步信道接收端部分 SCH 完成译码正确(GSM SCH DECOING IS RIGHT)
    2013-11-07 23:55:52下载
  • diagrama_de_ojo
    eye pattern, also known as an eye diagram, is an oscilloscope display in which a digital data signal from a receiver is repetitively sampled and applied to the vertical input, while the data rate is used to trigger the horizontal sweep. It is so called because, for several types of coding, the pattern looks like a series of eyes between a pair of rails. It is an experimental tool for the evaluation of the combined effects of channel noise and intersymbol interference on the performance of a baseband pulse-transmission system. It is the synchronised superposition of all possible realisations of the signal of interest viewed within a particular signalling interval.
    2013-12-07 00:34:30下载
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