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于 2010-05-19 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  功能:CDMA调变 multiple access b/w 2 users using DS CDMA(multiple access b/w 2 users using DS CDMA format is : cdmamodem(user1,user2,snr_in_dbs) user1 and user2 are vectors and they should be of equal length)



0 个回复

  • experiment1
    fuzzy arithmetic program is creating error
    2011-02-10 16:14:21下载
  • GMSK
    用matlab实现gmsk编码,可直接运行。(Using matlab to achieve GMSK encoding can be directly run.)
    2009-01-02 18:40:45下载
  • pattern
    End-fire array antenna radiation pattern plot
    2010-11-22 04:42:58下载
    cdma仿真程序,压缩包中包括主程序及各子程序,word中包括所有的子程序(failed to translate)
    2009-12-06 20:05:46下载
  • HomeRes
    家庭理财统计!可以在一定的时间一定的消费类型消费人员金额等等的统计!(Family financial management and Statistics! At a certain time a certain amount of the consumption type of consumption, personnel statistics, etc.!)
    2010-01-16 22:24:58下载
  • 123
    SCDMA多用户的程序代码 大家可以参考一下(SCDMA multi-user program code we can refer to)
    2010-05-13 12:37:30下载
    利用MATLAB程序中的inline和nlinfit两个命令对血药浓度-时间数据进行非线性拟合,求解血管外给药的药动学参数。同时与3P97软件计算结果进行了比较,结果表明,基于MATLAB程序可方便快速地求解血管外给药的各个药动学参数,计算结果与3P97软件计算值相当,且本方法操作简便、界面直观、易于推广,可用于临床教学或实验中药动学参数的计算。 更多还原 (Using MATLAB program inline and nlinfit two commands to the plasma concentration- time data by nonlinear fitting, solving the pharmacokinetic parameters of extravascular administration. Simultaneously with the 3P97 software to calculate the results were compared, the results show that can quickly and easily solve extravascular administration of various pharmacokinetic parameters based on MATLAB, the results calculated with 3P97 software fairly, and that the method is simple, intuitive interface, easy to spread, can be used to calculate the clinical teaching or experimental medicine pharmacokinetic parameters. More Restore)
    2013-12-16 09:39:39下载
  • spectral_analysis
    SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS M-file for spectral_analysis.fig SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS, by itself, creates a new SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS or raises the existing singleton*. H = SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS returns the handle to a new SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS or the handle to the existing singleton*. SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local function named CALLBACK in SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS.M with the given input arguments. SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS( Property , Value ,...) creates a new SPECTRAL_ANALYSIS or raises the existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are applied to the GUI before spectral_analysis_OpeningFcn gets called. An unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application stop. All inputs are passed to spectral_analysis_OpeningFcn via varargin.
    2014-02-14 11:08:42下载
  • IMU_calculator
    改程序从imu中读取数据,计算出载体的轨迹,速度,姿态,并画出速度与欧拉角(this program takes the data from an IMU as the input and calculates the body s trajectory ,velocity and attitude . it plots the velocities and euler angles vs time and the body s trajectory. )
    2020-10-13 00:17:31下载
  • reconstruct
    对拍摄到得全息图进行重构的程序。缺点,在MATLAB中使用的是近似算法,实际上可以在程序外建立C程序来实现循环从而让结果更精确。(Wavefront reconstruction of digital hologram.)
    2011-06-16 11:05:39下载
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