说明: 提出了正交频分复用(O FDM ) 系统中一种新的载波频偏估计算法L 载波频偏估计过程可分 为获取和跟踪, 其中, 获取过程和时间同步是同时完成的L新算法可实现的最大载波频偏获取范围 是整个信号带宽的一半L新的跟踪算法是一个最大似然算法, 在加性白噪声高斯信道(AW GN ) 下, 当N (训练序列长度的一半) 等于128 时, 其性能比Schm idl 算法提高约7127 dB 在多经信道下, 当 信噪比不是很高时, 新算法仍具有优势L(new carrier f requency offset est imat ion scheme in o rthogonal f requency division mu lt ip lex ing (O FDM ) system is p ropo sed. The carrier f requency offset est i2 mat ion includes acqu isit ion and t rack ing, and acqu isit ion as w ell as t im ing synch ro2 n izat ion can be perfo rmed simu ltaneou sly w ith h igh accu racy. The max imum acqu i2 sit ion range can be up to one half of overall signal bandw idth. The p ropo sed t rack2 ing est imato r is a max imum 2likelihood est imato r, and in AW GN channel, abou t 7127dB imp rovemen t is ob tained compared to the Schm idl’s algo rithm w hen N = 128 in mu lt ipath channel, the p ropo sed algo rithm wo rk s w ell at moderate SNR.)