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  DataDemon-时频分析解决方案 随着科技迅速发展,讯号分析处理者面临的是日趋庞大的计算数据量,和越来越复杂的仿真模式。如何缩短开发时间、节省研究经费、又能实现高效能、高弹性的运算平台供后续研究使用便越来越重要。 DynaDx提出DataDemon-时频分析解决方案,以组件组合的设计概念,免除繁杂程序写作方式,提供讯号处理的可视化控制组件,让处理讯号分析的过程就像拼组模型一般,使用者可依据自己的构想去组合出更多元之讯号分析呈现。不再需要从头撰写繁杂的程序代码便能使用各种讯号处理的算法,也不必将时间花在除错、评估程序运行效能,而能专注于研究目标的分析及后续应用的开发上。 (DataDemon-time-frequency analysis solutions With the rapid development of science and technology, signal analysis and processing is increasingly faced by the huge amount of data calculation, and increasingly complex simulation models. How to reduce development time, save research funding, but also to achieve high performance, flexible computing platform for subsequent research use have become increasingly important. DynaDx DataDemon-time frequency analysis proposed solutions to the design concept of component combinations, eliminating the complicated procedures written in a way to provide a visual signal processing control unit, so that the signal processing analysis process as spelled group of models in general, users can be based on their own idea to mix the signal out more element analysis presented. No longer need to write complicated code from scratch, will be able to use a variety of signal processing algorithms, nor do you have time to spend debugging, performance evaluation pro)


DataDemon- time-frequency analysis .doc,1272320,2010-11-30



0 个回复

  • data_fusion
    汽轮机轴系振动故障诊断中的信息融合方法研究(Research on Information Fusion for Vibration Faults of Steam Turbine Shaft System )
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  • WInternet-From-thing-to-IOT
    最新的物联网的前沿研究讨论,对物联网的发展有一定参考意义。(The latest cutting-edge research of Internet of things to discuss, has certain reference significance to the development of the Internet of things.)
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  • cr0
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