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于 2011-05-12 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  求第一个城市到其它城市的最短路径.用矩阵(为顶点个数)存放各边权的邻接矩阵,行向量、、、分别用来存放标号信息、标号顶点顺序、标号顶点索引、最短通路的值(The first city to find the shortest path to other cities. With a matrix (for the number of vertices) records of the right side of the adjacency matrix, row vector, were used to store label information and label the vertex order, label the vertex indexes, the shortest pathway value)



0 个回复

  • MATLAB_graphical_user_interface_design_classic_Tut
    MATLAB图形用户界面设计经典教程MATLAB graphical user interface design classic Tutorial 1(MATLAB graphical user interface design classic Tutorial MATLAB graphical user interface design classic Tutorial 1)
    2010-08-03 10:33:03下载
  • fourier
    低通 带通 高通 滤波器设计的MATLAB源代码 特别适合初学者(low fourier high fourier band fourier designed by matlab )
    2009-11-07 13:12:13下载
  • prony
    Prony算法,用于信号提取辨识,研究低频振荡(prony,low frequency oscillation)
    2012-05-20 10:30:22下载
  • Desktop
    说明:  水声目标识别34页图2-17仿真 分别使用仿真信号和实际船舶辐射噪声信号进行解调处理获得解调谱,以比较上述三种方法的解调效果。(The simulation signal and the actual ship radiated noise signal are respectively used to demodulate and obtain the demodulation spectrum to compare the demodulation effect of the above three methods.)
    2020-10-13 10:45:02下载
  • ofdm
    摘要:正交频分复用(OFDM)是第四代移动通信的核心技术。该文首先简要介绍了OFDM基本原理,重点研究了理想同步情 况下,保护时隙(CP)和不同的信道估计方法在高斯信道和多径瑞利衰落信道下对OFDM系统性能的影响。在给出OFDM系 统模型的基础上,用MATLAB语言实现了整个系统的计算机仿真并给出参考设计程序。最后给出在不同的信道条件下,保 护时隙、信道估计方法对OFDM系统误码率影响的比较曲线,得出了较理想的结论。 (O FDM is the key techno logy of 4G in the field of mobile comm unication.In this article O FDM ba sic p rinc ip le is briefly in troduced.Then,the influence of CP and d iffe rent channe l e stim a tion on the system pe rfo rm ance is emp ha tica lly analyzed respectively in Gauss and R ayle igh fading channe ls in the cond ition of ideal synchronization.B e sides,based on the given system mode l O FDM system is compu te r sim u la ted w ith MA TLAB language and the refe rentia l design p rocedure is given.Fina lly,the B ER cu rves of CP and channe l e stim ation a re given and comp ared.The conclusion is sa tisfac to ry. )
    2009-06-01 16:10:00下载
  • matlabexample
    说明:  提供了MATLAB编程的经典实例,覆盖了大部分的实用功能。(MATLAB example)
    2009-08-29 14:03:07下载
  • Subcarrierallocationandrelayselection
    说明:  OFDM(正交频分多用通信系统)中的子载波分配和中继选择问题(Subcarrier allocation and relay selection)
    2010-05-04 19:08:21下载
  • DTMF
    基于MATLAB的双音多频(DTMF)信号的产生、接收以及可视化拨号系统的实现(MATLAB-based dual-tone multi-frequency generation (DTMF) signals, the receiver and dial visualization system)
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  • homm
    3D model brain for medical office
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  • windmppt
    风力发电功率最大跟踪matlab/simulink仿真 (windpower MPPT)
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