:元胞自动机不仅是理论计算机科学领域的一个重要的计算模型,而且可视为一无限维的离散动力系统,被广泛应用于 自然科学和社会科学各领域的复杂性的研究中,是一个重要的研究方法和工具。该文以Matlab 为开发工具,开发了元胞自 动机的可视模型,为其在各个领域的复杂性研究提供了一个简易、可行的计算机仿真工具(MATLAB s version of Conway s Game of Life. "Life" is a cellular automaton invented by John Conway that involves live and dead cells in a rectangular, two-dimensional universe. In MATLAB, the universe is a sparse matrix that is initially all zero. Whether cells stay alive, die, or nerate new cells depends upon how many of their eight possible neighbors are alive. By using sparse matrices, the calculations required become astonishingly simple. We use periodic (torus) boundary conditions at the edges of the universe. Pressing the "Start" button automatically seeds this universe with several small random communities. Some will succeed and some will fail. )