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于 2010-05-17 发布 文件大小:432KB
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  ACMConertor v.1 mp3播放,转换工具(This source code included TACMConvertor and uses it for mp3 to wave file conversion. TAudioInfo used to read from mp3 and TWaveFileWrite used to write to wave file.)


mp3 parser
mp3 parser\AudioInfo.dcu
mp3 parser\AudioInfo.pas
mp3 parser\AudioInfo.~pas
mp3 parser\ID3Tags.dcu
mp3 parser\ID3Tags.pas
mp3 parser\MpegFrameHdr.dcu
mp3 parser\MpegFrameHdr.pas
Mp3 to Wave
Mp3 to Wave\Project1.cfg
Mp3 to Wave\Project1.dof
Mp3 to Wave\Project1.dpr
Mp3 to Wave\Project1.exe
Mp3 to Wave\Project1.res
Mp3 to Wave\Project1.~dpr
Mp3 to Wave\Unit1.dcu
Mp3 to Wave\Unit1.ddp
Mp3 to Wave\Unit1.dfm
Mp3 to Wave\Unit1.pas
Mp3 to Wave\Unit1.~ddp
Mp3 to Wave\Unit1.~dfm
Mp3 to Wave\Unit1.~pas
Mp3 to Wave\WaveFile.dcu
Mp3 to Wave\WaveFile.pas
Mp3 to Wave\WaveFileChunk.dcu
Mp3 to Wave\WaveFileChunk.pas
Mp3 to Wave\WaveFileWrite.dcu
Mp3 to Wave\WaveFileWrite.pas



0 个回复

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