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  锁频环又称为自动频率控制(AFC)环,其利用反馈回路对输入频率变化进行调整,最后达到对频率的跟踪,广泛应用于雷达,卫星导航等领域对多普勒频率的跟踪。(Locked loop, also known as automatic frequency control (AFC) loop, the use of feedback loop to adjust the input frequency changes, and finally achieve frequency tracking is widely used in radar, satellite navigation and other fields on the Doppler frequency tracking.)





0 个回复

  • icpCpp
    Iterative closest point in MATLAB
    2011-01-12 15:03:06下载
  • matlab
    matlab经典课堂讲义 matlab经典课堂讲义(matlab classic classic classroom lecture matlab classroom lectures)
    2007-10-26 10:49:10下载
  • EM
    说明:  em algorithm used in GMM
    2010-11-21 01:56:37下载
  • max_sin_pso
    man sin pso-pso max sin-man sin pso-pso max sin-man sin pso-pso max sin-
    2010-01-04 14:59:30下载
  • qpsksystem_SJSU
    This is a model of a QPSK modulation system for transmission over a bandpass channel with fc = 100 Hz and B = 30 Hz and AWGN at the receiver. SRRC fi lters with excess bandwidth α = 0.18 are employed. The receiver includes an NDA timing recovery loop followed by a DD phase recovery loop. (This is a model of a QPSK modulation system f or transmission over a bandpass channel with fc = 100 Hz and B = 30 Hz and AWGN at the receiver. SRRC)
    2006-06-20 03:44:17下载
  • Q3
    说明:  prorame for calculting GMRL and GMRC
    2015-01-27 07:23:31下载
  • 《精通MATLAB科学计算》
    说明:  在各行各业的工程实践中,有大量的科学计算工作需要完成。传统的计算方式一般需要较长的周期,相比之下开发效率极高的MATLAB是一个更好的选择。在MATLAB中,编程细节被简化,繁琐的实现过程也被略去,用户可以将更多精力集中于所需要处理的核心问题上。 MATLAB科学计算涉及数学、机械、电子、控制和金融等多个领域。本书以MATLAB科学工程计算为立足点,介绍MATLAB在科学计算领域中如何运用庞大的科学函数库来解决一些实际问题。在函数的选择上兼顾各函数的使用频率和专业性,力求典型全面。本书可作为MATLAB课程的教学用书或者线性代数、概率统计等课程的教学辅助书。(In the engineering practice of all walks of life, there is a lot of scientific calculation work to be completed. The traditional calculation method generally needs a long period, in contrast, the development of highly efficient MATLAB is a better choice. In MATLAB, the programming details are simplified, and the tedious implementation process is also omitted. Users can focus more on the core issues they need to deal with.)
    2020-12-30 11:46:53下载
  • MexDemo
    matlab开发,在Vs2010里配置matlab调用环境(matlab developer)
    2012-09-15 19:05:33下载
  • doarima
    doarima.m MATLAB script to do an ARIMA(p,d,q) analysis where d is set but P and q can be vectors of values you want to try. It produces AIC and FPE (final prediction error) values for comparing models. The AIC is different than the one computed by S+, but they both minimize on the same model for the arma22.dat simulated data.
    2013-04-18 21:20:25下载
  • all_progs
    papr to differenrt number of subcarrier: we put N = 256,512,1024 and show the output ofp ccdf with papr when we use QPSK modulation. The PAPR ratio is a measure of the dynamic range in OFDM signals. Thus high PAPR induces a high dynamic range which describes high variability in the signal range. complex data sequences are input to the IDFT of an OFDM transmitter then at the output of the IDFT, real and imaginary parts are obtained.
    2013-05-02 01:33:28下载
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