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于 2010-05-15 发布 文件大小:5648KB
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  球面坐标定位法校正鱼眼图像畸变,使用visual studio 2008 编写,需要OpenCV的支持(Spherical coordinates locating fish eye image distortion correction, prepared using visual studio 2008, requires the support of OpenCV)



0 个回复

  • chessboard
    生成相机标定所用的方格图,用于相机标定使用(Generates the grid chart used to calibrate the camera)
    2017-06-24 10:05:27下载
  • DcmtkTest
    本程序使用dcmtk库,可以显示大部分的DICOM图像。非压缩、压缩黑白图像以766灰阶显示,彩色图像正常显示。 对于初用dcmtk库的开发者来说,入门较难,本程序已使用VC6工程将主要库加入工程中,可以参考本工程的设置。另外,对于高于8位的黑白图像,本程序也提供一个处理方法的参考。(This procedure used dcmtk library, you can see that the majority of the DICOM image. Non-compressed, compressed to 766 gray-scale black-and-white images show that color image display. Dcmtk library used for the early developers, the entry more difficult, the procedure has been in use for the main library VC6 project will join the project, can refer to the project settings. In addition, higher than the 8-bit black-and-white images, the program also provides a reference method.)
    2009-06-01 14:19:42下载
  • Keystone-Transfor
    Keystone Transform in ground moving target detection,it s very useful new comer(Keystone Transform in ground moving target detection)
    2020-08-17 21:38:23下载
  • HazeRemoval
    数字图像处理有关于图像去雾的新型算法与实现(There are new digital image processing algorithms on the image to go to the fog and Implementation)
    2014-11-12 14:34:37下载
  • Halcon_CALI
    基于halcon图像处理平台的相机标定算法,相当不错。。。。。(Halcon based image processing system camera calibration algorithm is quite good. . . )
    2016-05-30 12:08:20下载
  • tuxiangpeizhun
    使用VC++编程,自动检测角点,实现图像配准,代码可用。(Automatically detect the corner points, for image registration, the code is available.)
    2010-05-30 10:55:42下载
  • lzlbgzdw
    说明:  一种基于粒子滤波的测向定位跟踪算法,一种基于粒子滤波的测向定位跟踪算法。(A particle filter based on the finding and location tracking algorithm, a particle filter based on the finding and location tracking algorithm.)
    2008-09-29 18:20:59下载
  • zhengxuan
    一款VC++图像开场加载效果,向大家演示了几种图像装载的特效实现的方法,比如扫描显示、滑动显示、渐入显示和马赛克显示等,大家在使用一些幻灯片软件的时候,经学会看到类似的效果,如果你有一定的VC++基础,你可以借鉴一下本效果的具体方法,再次扩展,可以制作出一款带特效的图像查看器(The opening loading effect of a VC++ image to demonstrate the effects achieved in several image loading, such as scanning, slide show, getting into the display and mosaic display, we learn to look at some slides software to similar effect, if you have certain VC++ basis, you can learn about the effects of specific methods, extended again, can create the image of a band effects Viewer)
    2012-11-08 19:51:35下载
  • aam
    用AAM算法进行人脸特征点的标定,即对人脸的眼睛,眉毛,嘴巴,鼻子及脸的轮廓进行标记,此代码标记了68个特征点。(AAM algorithm for facial feature points calibration, calibration of this code is the 68 feature points, see the instance document.)
    2012-10-16 16:12:43下载
  • Features2D_Homography
    使用OpenCV实现特征点的查找以及两幅图像中的特征点匹配(Use the function findHomography to find the transform between matched keypoints. Use the function perspectiveTransform to map the points)
    2014-03-07 11:04:15下载
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