用matlab进行有限元编程资料,需要用gmsh对geo文件进行网格划分,可更改各项参数后评价区域的传热性能(Finite element program data using matlab, need for geo file gmsh meshing, parameters can be changed after the heat transfer performance uation area)
- 2014-11-27 00:33:22下载
- 积分:1
使用m语言编写的电力电子仿真,里面包含DC-DC,DC-AC等,很全。仿真效果很好。(M language power electronic simulation, which includes DC-DC, DC-AC, very full. Simulation results are very good.)
- 2013-04-04 20:20:05下载
- 积分:1
MATLAB遗传算法工具箱及应用,很好的一本书(MATLAB genetic algorithm toolbox and its application)
- 2011-10-12 15:13:45下载
- 积分:1
saadat power system matlab files
- 2012-01-16 16:32:43下载
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关于Wigner_Ville分布算法的程序,对于非线性和能量的研究新方法,尤其应用于生理信号的分析。(About Wigner_Ville distribution algorithm procedure for linear and Energy of the new methods, especially applied to the analysis of physiological signals.)
- 2010-07-30 22:58:59下载
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HHT精华讨论,对运用HHT进行数据分析时遇到的问题有详细的解答,是学习HHT不可或缺的资料(HHT essence discussion, this paper analyzed the data using HHT is there detailed solution to the problems encountered in the process of, is indispensable to study HHT data)
- 2013-07-11 10:33:09下载
- 积分:1
this file is about band structure of 3d photonic crystal.in this program we use the pwe methode for calculation of band structure
- 2013-07-28 17:41:36下载
- 积分:1
采用meanshift算法,对小目标进行跟踪,并在多种背景条件下对算法进行验证(Meanshift algorithm used for small target tracking, and in a variety of background conditions to verify the algorithm)
- 2013-11-20 08:34:14下载
- 积分:1
基于matlab的gmsk的调制解调,对于通信专业有很大用处(The gmsk based modulation and demodulation matlab, very useful for communications professionals)
- 2010-10-13 23:55:27下载
- 积分:1
MYADDER M-file for myAdder.fig
MYADDER, by itself, creates a new MYADDER or raises the existing
H = MYADDER returns the handle to a new MYADDER or the handle to
the existing singleton*.
MYADDER( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
function named CALLBACK in MYADDER.M with the given input arguments.
MYADDER( Property , Value ,...) creates a new MYADDER or raises the
existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are
applied to the GUI before myAdder_OpeningFunction gets called. An
unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
stop. All inputs are passed to myAdder_OpeningFcn via varargin.
It s great code for learning GUI in Matlab simple and basic.
- 2009-11-25 16:14:34下载
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