

于 2012-03-31 发布 文件大小:1565KB
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  Simulation of control system with proteus ans matlab



0 个回复

  • Single-Table-Tennis
    这个是用EM开发的单人乒乓球源码,有需要的可以下来看看哦~~~!(This is developed by EM tennis single source, there is a need can look down Oh ~!)
    2014-12-02 12:56:44下载
  • sec2timestr
    transformed sec2time in matlab
    2013-08-15 05:42:17下载
  • Motion_blur_restore
    两篇关于运动模糊参数估计和复原的文章,非常经典的文章,基本概括了参数估计的主流方法,(two paper about restore Motion blur,which is very comprehensive )
    2010-11-08 22:19:20下载
  • Kalman-filter
    说明:  非常好用的滤波程序 肯定能够运行结果 效果不错(Very nice filtering process must be able to run the results of good results)
    2011-03-15 22:44:35下载
  • MPC
    MPC的经典教材介绍了离散和连续系统设计的方法以及matlab设计(the book of MPC)
    2014-09-11 09:12:40下载
  • Diffusion-system-of-concentration-
    扩散系统之浓度分布的装置。管中储放静止液体B,高度为L=10 ㎝,放置于充满A 气体的 环境中。假设与B 液体接触面之浓度为3 C 0 0.01mol m A = ,且此浓度不随时间改变 而改变,即在操作时间内( h = 10天)维持定值。气体A 在液体B 中之扩散系数为 D m s AB = 2×10− 9 2 。试决定以下两种情况下,气体A溶于液体B中之流通量(flux)。 (a) A 与B 不发生反应; (b) A 与B 发生以下之反应 A+ B→C , A A − r = kC 其反应速率常数k = 2×10− 7 s− 1。 (Diffusion system of concentration reference device shown in Figure 3. Tube in the store still liquid B, L = 10 cm height, placed in full A gas environment. Assuming the contact surface of the liquid with the B concentration of 3 C 0 0.01mol m A =, and this concentration does not change with time and change, that is, the operating time (h = 10 days) to maintain constant. Gas A in liquid B, the diffusion coefficient D ms AB = 2 × 10-9 2. Decided the following two test cases, the gas dissolved in liquid B in the A liquid (flux). (A) A and B do not react (b) A and B of the following reaction occurs A+ B → C, AA- r = kC, the reaction rate constant k = 2 × 10-7 s-1.)
    2011-08-30 22:26:43下载
    PANFIS - parsimonious network based on fuzzy inference system
    2014-11-03 17:23:48下载
  • BldgDamage-Fld-Surge-Tsunami-Load_Caraballo
    Building damage to flood storm and tsunami
    2014-11-03 17:19:35下载
  • AHP
    层次分析法!改进的判断矩阵一致性检验 进行矩阵一致性度量的方法主要有两种,一种是由T.L.Saaty提出的一致性比率法C.R.(Consistency Ratio)[13]。还有一种是由Crawford与Williams提出的基于行几何平均法(Row Geometric Mean Method)的几何一致性指标GCI(Geometric Consistency Index)[14]。我们采用的是第一种方法:一致性比率法(C.R.)。(The analytic hierarchy process! Judgment matrix consistency test improved)
    2013-03-25 19:23:13下载
  • Ergen_Mobile-Broadband-including-WiMAX-and-LTE
    A great book from Mustafa Ergen about wireless communications in LTE, WiMaX and mobile broadband with the title Mobile Boradband including WiMaX and LTE .
    2013-12-14 08:29:55下载
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