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于 2012-03-30 发布 文件大小:1972KB
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  描述matlab的面向对象编程的一些原则(Describe some of the principles of the Matlab object-oriented programming)



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  • Resultats
    Compression Denoising enhanced procedures for your reference. Include: digital image data display matrix and its Fourier transform two-dimensional discrete cosine transform image compression method using gray-scale transformation of the contrast-enhanced images using two-dimensional median filter function by medfilt2 of salt and pepper noise image filtering using MATLAB The function affected by noise interference filter2 images mean filter Adaptive Image Filtering Wehner use five kinds of different gradient method to enhance image sharpening images of high-pass filtering and mask treatment using Butterworth (Butterworth) low pass filter noise by smoothing the images deal with the use of Butterworth (Butterworth) high-pass filter for sharpening images treatment
    2010-10-19 05:51:39下载
  • Desk332top
    【谷速软件编程】matlab源码-计算规范单纯形的投影 可以作为参考使用,程序是word版本 ([Valley] matlab source software programming speed- simplex projection calculation specifications can be used as a reference, the program is a word version)
    2014-12-16 21:59:46下载
  • bdabc
    Modeling of bldc with matlab
    2010-10-18 21:59:00下载
  • PFlowCalc
    power flow solution for power system network
    2012-09-08 08:07:50下载
  • DG_PSO_P_33
    PSO with voltage constrains
    2020-11-26 23:19:30下载
  • roboticPtoolboxPforPmatlab
    matlab 工具箱 可以实现 机器人关节云图的创建于轨迹(matlab toolbox enables the creation of robot joint cloud on track)
    2013-08-13 23:20:15下载
  • m
    说明:  模型是在模糊集合理论和概率理论进行交叉渗透的基础上构造的特定算法,即云发生器,进行定性概念和定量表示之间的不确定转换,它揭示随机性和模糊性的内在关联性。在此利用实例解释云模型的应用。(Model is based on a specific algorithm of fuzzy set theory and probability theory on cross-permeable structure, namely cloud generator, be uncertain conversion between qualitative concept and quantitative representation, which reveals the inherent randomness and fuzziness relevance. In this application the use of examples to explain the cloud model.)
    2014-03-08 09:44:03下载
  • Random-signal-processing
    随机信号处理,包括各种概率计算,各种功率谱计算(Random signal processing, including all probability, a variety of power spectrum)
    2010-07-01 22:07:46下载
  • harriscorner
    使用matlab完成harris corner检测,探测出边界点(Use matlab completed harris corner detection, detection of boundary points)
    2014-11-08 23:17:58下载
  • chap7
    Spread Spectrum Technique simply consumes spectrum in excess of the minimum spectrum necessary to send the data.
    2013-12-07 04:33:21下载
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