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  很好的英文学习资料,学习如何用matlab编程(good book it worth you own it)



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  • ex4_4
    基于matlab的切比雪夫-2型低通滤波器设计(Matlab based on the-2 Chebyshev-type low-pass filter design)
    2009-03-17 13:12:24下载
  • chap4
    模糊滑模控制的matlab仿真,希望对大家有用(Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of matlab simulation, in the hope that useful to everybody)
    2008-03-26 12:27:28下载
  • knn-dwt
    matlab环境下基于动态规划算法的语音识别系统!(Matlab environment based on dynamic programming algorithm Speech Recognition System!)
    2007-03-26 21:34:43下载
  • EMTM
    emulator machine for wind turbine
    2012-06-30 10:10:05下载
  • characterrecognition
    This is the error backpropagation algorithm based character recognition program developed in matlab. The program folder contains the training images of some english alphabets & numerals. & trains the neural network using train command in matlab. The neural network is initialized using newff command. After the simulation, the program recognizes the input character. Accuracy on the provided images is 100 .
    2013-05-13 11:11:21下载
  • huiduzhifangtu
    自己编的一些关于图像灰度直方图处理的MATLAB源程序,包括加权距离,累加直方图,欧氏距离,直方图相交法,中心距法共5种方法,可选择适合的选用。(Own some on the image histogram processing MATLAB source code, including the weighted distance, cumulative histogram, Euclidean distance, histogram intersection of law, from the Law Center, five kinds of methods to choose the appropriate selection.)
    2007-12-29 19:02:49下载
  • denoise
    图像加噪和去噪代码,读取图像数据,产生噪声图像,使用sym4小波进行三层分解(Images with noise and denoising code, read the image data, image noise, the use of three wavelet decomposition sym4)
    2010-11-03 16:03:46下载
  • Gauss-Jordan-Matrix
    For inverting a matrix, Gauss-Jordan elimination is about as efficient as any other method. For solving sets of linear equations, Gauss-Jordan elimination produces both the solution of the equations for one or more right-hand side vectors b, and also the matrix inverse A(-1). However, its principal weaknesses are (i) that it requires all the right-hand sides to be stored and manipulated at the same time, and (ii) that when the inverse matrix is not desired, Gauss-Jordan is three times slower than the best alternative technique for solving a single linear set.
    2012-03-29 00:57:43下载
  • pso-SVM
    说明:  粒子群优化算法pso优化支持向量机svm(Particle swarm optimization algorithm pso optimization support vector machine svm)
    2020-11-17 14:39:39下载
  • Matlab
    Matlab入门到精通的必备知识,希望对大家有用,谢谢!(Matlab Introduction to Mastery of the essential knowledge, useful for all, thank you!)
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