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于 2010-05-11 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  层析分析法的一个简明程序,方便的求出最大特征值以及w0 wi。希望能帮助大家(Chromatography analysis of a simple procedure, easily find the largest eigenvalue, and w0 wi. Hope to help you)



0 个回复

  • 2010LMSfuction
    信号检测与估计中的最小均方值误差算法MATLAB程序(Signal detection and estimation of the minimum mean square error algorithm MATLAB program)
    2010-12-22 11:26:09下载
  • ASSINGMENTB_RafalMajorczyk_-Sharp8
    Goal of the project was to implement numerical methods for solving systems of nonlinear algebraic equations using MATLAB software. As in previous assignment first of all I need to research for functions, which would be helpful during evaluation of each task, later on I was able to implement and test numerical algorithms for solving given problems. Each student got three different equations to solve, and create another one with use of them for finding its zero place with various methods. Each method, result, comment and conclusion is placed in this report. At the end of the report one can find my MATLAB programs, and all references which were used as a help for me during evaluation.
    2011-05-11 20:47:37下载
  • MLE_Linear_Regression
    MLE Linear regression code is an important tool used in pattern recognition
    2012-03-22 06:37:07下载
  • PSO
    A SIMPLE EXAMPLE OF PSO optimization
    2011-12-11 18:49:02下载
  • mppt_incc
    mppt_incc is incremental conductance
    2014-01-29 01:05:28下载
  • center
    光斑质心计算,可以完成光斑质心点的确定,可同时计算36质心点(Spot centroid calculation can be done to determine the centroid of the light spot, which can calculate the centroid 36)
    2014-03-23 22:40:59下载
  • Dynamique
    the dynamic model of electrical car
    2014-04-18 01:45:28下载
  • svm-mmse-ls
    模式识别中常用的算法,有感知机算法,支撑矢量机算法和LS算法,并附有实验报告,源程序!(Commonly used pattern recognition algorithms, has perceptron algorithm, support vector machine algorithm and the LS algorithm, along with lab reports, source code!)
    2010-09-07 23:02:47下载
  • zishiyin
    1.设计自适应信号分离器,用以从白噪声中提取周期信号。其中选取正弦信号s=sin(2*pi*t/10)为周期信号,宽带噪声信号为高斯白噪声,设置参考通道延迟为50。 2.宽带信号中的窄带干扰抑制实际上是自适应信号分离的一种应用,借助自适应信号分离器可以方便的实现窄带干扰的对消。(1. Design of adaptive signal separator, used to extract from the white noise periodic signal. The extraction of sinusoidal signals s = sin (2* pi* t/10) for periodic signals, broadband noise signal is Gaussian white noise, set the reference channel delay of 50. 2. Wideband signals in the narrow-band interference suppression is actually an application of adaptive signal separation, using adaptive signal separator can be easily achieved narrowband interference cancellation.)
    2010-01-13 18:38:32下载
  • S4
    说明:  this file is about ind FOC control.
    2010-01-13 18:52:13下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104509会员总数
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