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于 2010-05-11 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  haar wavelet source code implemented by matlab



0 个回复

  • CVSD语音压缩的算法和序流-bysj7
    CVSD语音压缩的算法和程序流程.量阶δ能够自动地随输入信号平均斜率的大小而连续变化,译码输出信号实现了对输入信号的理想逼近,最后在可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)中实现了CVSD调制功能。(CVSD voice compression algorithm and the program flow. Volume bands can automatically input signal with an average slope of the size of continuous change, decoder output signals to achieve the ideal input signal approximation, in the end programmable logic devices (FPGAs) to achieve the CVSD modulation functions.)
    2005-03-21 19:23:06下载
  • k2
    说明:  6QAM通过带限信道,设码元速率为1000波特,传输信道特性为滚降系数为0.75的滚升余弦频谱的滤波器,试建立测试模型并观察接收信号(等效基带信号)的眼图、星座图和相位转移轨迹图。simulink模型(6QAM through the band-limited channel, located at 1000 baud symbol rate, the transmission channel characteristics for the roll-off factor of 0.75 of spectrum raised cosine filter roll and try to create a test model and observe the received signal (the equivalent baseband signal) of the eye diagram, constellation and phase transfer trajectories. simulink model)
    2011-06-06 08:28:40下载
  • rls
    递推遗忘因子最小二乘 recursive forgotten factor ls(recursive forgotten factor ls)
    2010-03-08 10:25:44下载
  • QPSK
    QPSK 调制全称 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying,意为正交相移键控,是 一种数字调制方式。它的频带利用率高,且抗干扰性能强,已经成为现代通信 技术中一种十分重要的调制解调方(QPSK’s full name is Quadrature Phaseshift Keying which is a kind of digital modulation types. It has been widely used in wireless communications and has become very important in modern communication because of its high bandwidth efficiency and strong anti-interference performance)
    2015-02-18 16:11:41下载
  • QPSK
    完整清晰的描述了光通信中QPSK,16QAM的调制,matlab代码仿真通过(Clear and complete description of the optical communication QPSK, 16QAM modulation, matlab code emulation by)
    2015-03-23 17:10:36下载
  • source-localization2
    beamforming, capon, 和music 三种波达方向定位算法的matlab仿真源代码。(出二维图,频率和DOA的对应关系)(beamforming, capon, and music of three DOA positioning algorithm matlab simulation source code. (A two-dimensional diagram, the corresponding frequency and DOA Relations))
    2009-03-21 01:48:27下载
  • Simulates911.
    此程序有利于通信专业人士学习 IS-95标注。其中给出了物理层的仿真。(this program is conducive to communication professionals to learn IS-95 mark. Which is a simulation of the physical layer.)
    2007-05-06 16:22:43下载
  • an-easy-AffineTransformation
    a function to estimate affine transformation parameters
    2013-04-05 11:59:23下载
  • STK-training-tutorial
    STK 是卫星仿真工具包,由美国AGI开发的一款在航天工业领域中处于绝对领先地位的商品化分析软件。这里附上的是这个软件的教程。(STK is a satellite simulation tool kit developed by the United States AGI a field in the aerospace industry in the commercialization of the absolute leading position analysis software. Here attached is the software tutorial.)
    2007-12-14 16:17:07下载
  • prueba1
    how to use a webcam in matlab?
    2009-03-24 23:58:20下载
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