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于 2013-07-11 发布 文件大小:41KB
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  Computing GLONASS accuracy (without statistic)




0 个回复

  • FaceDetect
    This is a matlab code for facial recognition
    2009-09-25 08:17:11下载
  • tree
    决策树算法的matlab实现,主要适用的是id3 算法思想(Decision Tree Algorithm to achieve the matlab main id3 algorithm is applicable to thinking)
    2009-05-06 13:28:34下载
  • edgedetecting
    基于小波分析的图像边缘检测方法(matlab程序)(the edge detecting method of the image based on wavelet transform theory )
    2009-05-26 18:28:11下载
  • LMS
    说明:  自适应滤波和仿真实验,有毕设的同学可以参考下(Adaptive filtering and simulation experiments, there is complete set up for students to refer to the following)
    2010-03-28 13:15:23下载
  • TPF
    Transient Pipe Flow: Compute the transient velocity profile of a flow in a pipe.
    2013-09-03 10:20:29下载
  • shenjing
    采用神经网络技术模拟地震发生的频率与震级。(using neural network technology simulated earthquake frequency and magnitude.)
    2007-01-19 22:13:23下载
  • sift
    1 SIFT 发展历程 SIFT算法由D.G.Lowe 1999年提出,2004年完善总结。后来Y.Ke将其描述子部分用PCA代替直方图的方式,对其进行改进。 2 SIFT 主要思想 SIFT算法是一种提取局部特征的算法,在尺度空间寻找极值点,提取位置,尺度,旋转不变量。 3 SIFT算法的主要特点: a) SIFT特征是图像的局部特征,其对旋转、尺度缩放、亮度变化保持不变性,对视角变化、仿射变换、噪声也保持一定程度的稳定性。 b) 独特性(Distinctiveness)好,信息量丰富,适用于在海量特征数据库中进行快速、准确的匹配[23]。 c) 多量性,即使少数的几个物体也可以产生大量SIFT特征向量。 d) 高速性,经优化的SIFT匹配算法甚至可以达到实时的要求。 e) 可扩展性,可以很方便的与其他形式的特征向量进行联合。 4 SIFT算法步骤: 1) 检测尺度空间极值点 2) 精确定位极值点 3) 为每个关键点指定方向参数 4) 关键点描述子的生成 本包内容为sift算法matlab源码(1 SIFT course of development SIFT algorithm by DGLowe in 1999, the perfect summary of 2004. Later Y.Ke its description of the sub-part of the histogram with PCA instead of its improvement. 2 the SIFT main idea The SIFT algorithm is an algorithm to extract local features in scale space to find the extreme point of the extraction location, scale, rotation invariant. 3 the main features of the SIFT algorithm: a) SIFT feature is the local characteristics of the image, zoom, rotate, scale, brightness change to maintain invariance, the perspective changes, affine transformation, the noise also maintain a certain degree of stability. b) unique (Distinctiveness), informative, and mass characteristics database for fast, accurate matching [23]. c) large amounts, even if a handful of objects can also produce a large number of SIFT feature vectors. d) high-speed and optimized SIFT matching algorithm can even achieve real-time requirements. e) The scalability can be very convenient fe)
    2012-05-25 15:31:16下载
  • colorSegment_AmitSrinet
    Color Segmentaion using euclidean and mahalaobis distance
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    MFCC filter to mack featuer extraction
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