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于 2006-06-04 发布 文件大小:8KB
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  本人毕业设计编写的关于电子产品生产过程中进行实时统计的一个软件,但是界面还没有编好,需要有贵网站的一些资料支持(prepared by the design of electronic products for the production process of a real-time statistical software But also no provision interface, and your Web site needs some information support)



0 个回复

  • matlab-modeling-algorithm(1)
    本资料包包含了系统的matlab建模用算法(This pack contains the system matlab modeling algorithm used)
    2013-08-03 19:43:25下载
    matlab程序实现快拍数在分辨力上对music算法效果的影响(matlab program, the number of snapshots in the resolution on the effect of music algorithm)
    2021-04-13 17:58:56下载
  • hough
    hough变换求图像中的直线,matlab语言编写,修改图片的路径即可。(hough transform to draw the lines in the picture,writen by matlab, the code can only be used after modify the path of the picture.)
    2014-11-08 12:50:37下载
  • LDPC
    LDPC码是通过校验矩阵定义的一类线性码,为使译码可行,在码长较长时需要校验矩阵满足“稀疏性”,即校验矩阵中1的密度比较低,也就是要求校验矩阵中1的个数远小于0的个数,并且码长越长,密度就要越低。 (LDPC Coding with PSK modulation in Rayleigh fading channel Most of the functions are built in matlab functions found in the comm. toolbox. These can also be easily configurable in the code to meet your requirements. In the given code, set the SNR, codeRate, modulation order (psk) and Number of frames to be simulated. Please feel free to contact me and let me know your comments. )
    2013-04-03 09:47:51下载
  • Acoustic-Analysis-for-Detection-of-Voice-Disorder
    Acoustic Analysis for Detection of Voice Disorders Using Adaptive Features and Classifiers
    2015-02-03 22:48:24下载
  • lms
    LMS由美国斯坦福大学的Widrow和Hoff在研究自适应理论时提出的,由于其容易实现而很快得到了广泛应用,成为自适应滤波的标准算法。 (LMS Widrow of Stanford University by the United States and Hoff adaptive theory put forward in the study, because of its easy to implement and will soon be widely used as a standard adaptive filtering algorithms.)
    2010-09-17 15:49:43下载
  • PCAfenlei
    这是一个利用MATLAB利用PCA实现的简单分类程序,对于模式识别的初学者学习PCA知识并进行仿真会有很大帮助,其中male.txt和female.txt是训练样本,test.txt是测试样本,分类效果非常好。(This is a use of MATLAB to use a simple classification of the PCA implementation process, the PCA pattern recognition study for beginners and simulation of knowledge would be of considerable help, and one of male.txt samples female.txt training, test.txt is the measurement, very good classification results.)
    2009-04-08 16:38:09下载
  • ami
    平均互信息函数法:平均互信息函数法的基本思想是:选取互信息函数第一次达到局部极小值时的时间作为最佳延迟时间。(AMI Average mutual information function)
    2021-01-05 15:38:54下载
  • xfeem
    说明:  this is a code for mesh and cracking body
    2019-06-10 20:19:10下载
  • OppenheimSignalsandSystemsanswers
    与奥本海姆 的《信号与系统》经典教材配套的习题解哦(Solution Oh Oppenheim " Signals and Systems" classic textbook exercises supporting)
    2012-10-12 16:15:06下载
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