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于 2011-05-02 发布 文件大小:455KB
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  本文试图借助其图像处理工具箱函数的支持从工程和实验角度出发, 较为直观地探讨了matlab在遥感图像融合及质童评价中的应用。 文章首先讨论了两种常见的图像融合方法, 并给出matlab平台上实现其算法的程序代码, 然后提出对融合图像进行质童评价的指标, 最后通过相关程序予以实现并得出评价结果。(This article attempts to help its image processing toolbox function and experimental support from the engineering point of view, a more intuitive matlab discussed quality of remote sensing image fusion and evaluation of children. The article first discusses two common methods of image fusion, and gives the platform to achieve its algorithm matlab program code, and then put forward to the integration of image quality evaluation index child, and finally be realized through the relevant procedures and obtained evaluation results.)



0 个回复

  • FBP
    FBP算法,用于CT图像的重建,代码详细易懂,比较丰富。(FBP algorithm)
    2013-05-07 09:29:50下载
  • example6
    说明:  车流量检测,需使用matlab computer vision 工具包(Vehicle Flow Detection .Use the MATLAB computer vision Toolkit)
    2019-05-06 09:42:00下载
  • eigenfce_pca
    This package implements basic Principal Component Analysis and Eigen Faces in Matlab and tests is with grayscale portion of the FERET database. Images are not preprocessed and it is up to the user to preprocess the images as wanted, not changing the filenames.
    2009-10-07 00:54:03下载
  • MPSKMQAMmudulation
    说明:  本程序用于完成BPSK、QPSK、pi/4QPSK、OQPSK、8PSK、16QAM、32QAM、64QAM和128QAM的调制仿真。并可任意扩展到MPSK和MQAM。程序分成四个部分,fir.m对基带码元序列进行脉冲成型,可选矩形脉冲,升余弦脉冲和平方根升余弦脉冲; modal.m 为主程序,完成岁各种信号的基带星座图映射、脉冲成型和调制;pi4QPSK.m 为pi/4QPSK信号的星座图映射程序;test1.m给出一个简单的频谱显示测试。(This procedure for the completion of BPSK, QPSK, pi/4QPSK, OQPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM, 32QAM, 64QAM and the modulation 128QAM simulation. Arbitrary and may be extended to MPSK and MQAM. Procedures are divided into four parts, fir.m of baseband symbol pulse sequences forming, optional rectangular pulse, raised cosine square root raised cosine pulse and pulse modal.m-based procedures, the completion of the age range of the base-band signal constellation diagram mapping, pulse shaping and modulation pi4QPSK.m for pi/4QPSK signal constellation diagram mapping procedures test1.m given spectrum shows a simple test.)
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  • P3026Y
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    dynamic voltage restorer for sag and swell
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