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于 2012-03-24 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  非线性加速度法计算单自由度体系地震时程反应,刚度矩阵,地震反应(Linear acceleration method to calculate the single degree of freedom system earthquake history response, stiffness matrix, seismic response)



0 个回复

  • wg_slot_cal
    波导缝隙天线缝隙参数分析、提取、计算,在matlab环境下快速计算(waveguide slot antenna slot parameter calculation)
    2021-01-27 16:18:37下载
  • 双曲型方LaxWendroff的差分格式序(Matlab)
    双曲型方程Lax-Wendroff的差分格式程序(Matlab),非常好的例子,具体算例,有理论分析,解题过程分析,Matlab代码,注释清晰明了,有计算结果输出和图形显示,按照Word文档说明,很快就能学会,操作简单明了,非常适合新手学习。(Lax-Wendroff hyperbolic equation difference scheme (Matlab) program, a very good example, specific examples, theoretical analysis, problem-solving process analysis, Matlab code, comments clear, with the output results and graphical display, according to the Word documentation, and soon will be able to learn, easy to understand, very suitable for beginners to learn.)
    2020-07-18 16:08:48下载
  • ★自适应遗传算法基于MATLAB
    说明:  自适应遗传算法(Adaptive genetic algorithm)
    2019-04-02 09:41:43下载
  • HW1cCapacityversusantennas
    MIMO Capacity versus antennas
    2010-06-07 18:29:48下载
  • Modalparameteridentification
    应用经典prony法和AR参数建模进行模态参数识别(Prony method and the application of the classical AR modeling parameters for modal parameter identification)
    2007-07-31 15:00:55下载
  • doppler
    模拟多径效应和多普勒频移,在不同时延下的仿真(multipath and doppler shift)
    2021-04-27 16:58:44下载
  • VQ
    LBG算法设计矢量量化码书的函数,需要给出训练序列x,矢量维数K和码书长度CN,返回根据训练序列给出的最小误差码书。(LBG algorithm for vector quantization codebook design function , you need to give training sequence x, vector dimension K and codebook length CN, return according to the minimum error given training sequence codebook . )
    2021-01-09 23:38:51下载
  • SingleLink_LRM
    Dynamic_Single Link Robot Manipulator_Matlab Simulink
    2014-03-17 22:45:06下载
  • zfft
    说明:  此文件包含了zoom-fft算法语言,结果与FFT对比图片输出(This file contains ZOOM-FFT algorithm language, the results are compared with FFT image output.)
    2020-06-29 19:40:02下载
  • baotong
    一个报童从报刊发行中心订报后零售,每卖一份报纸可赚钱a元;若报纸卖不出去,则退回发行处,每退一份要赔钱b元。每天报童卖出的份数是随机的,但报童可以根据以往卖报情况统计得到每天卖k份报纸的概率密度p(k)。 (1) 求报童每天期望收益达到最大(或损失达到最小)的定报量z。 (2) 改变参数a/b的值,观察订报量的最优值变化,画出变化曲线。 试画出仿真流程图,进行程序实现,并对仿真结果进行分析。 (A newsboy subscribe from the press after the retail distribution centers, each sale of a newspaper can make money a million if newspapers can not be sold, then returned to Issue Department, each retire to a loss of a b element. Newsboy sold shares in a day is random, but the newsboy can sell based on past statistics reported to be selling daily newspaper k the probability density p (k). (1) seeking newsboy expected profit per day to maximize (or minimize loss) reported that the volume of fixed-z. (2) change the parameters a/b values, subscribe to observe changes in the volume of the optimal value, draw curve. Simulation test to draw a flow chart for program realization, and simulation results for analysis.)
    2008-06-14 01:16:47下载
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