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于 2006-06-01 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  交织编码是一种信道改造技术,它通过信号设计将一个原来属于突发差错的有记忆信道改造为基本上是独立差错的随机无记忆信道。交织编码作为克服衰落信道中突发性干扰的有效方法,通常和其它用于纠正无记忆独立差错的信道编码相结合构成级联码,广泛应用于当代移动通信。(intertwined coding is a channel modification techniques, it will be designed to signal through an unexpected error originally belonged to the memory channel transformation is essentially independent of the random errors unmarked Recalling Channel. Coding intertwined as to overcome sudden fading channel interference effective way and the other is usually used to correct errors without memory of the independent channel coding combined constitute cascade code, Contemporary widely used mobile communications.)



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  • matlab_downsample
    code based on downsampling
    2009-10-04 02:24:15下载
  • fsk_ask_psk
    说明:  运用matlab实现fsk、psk、msk调制(Using matlab to achieve fsk, psk, msk modulation)
    2011-04-16 10:16:17下载
  • RTI-Model-the-Spread-of-Epidemics
    宾夕法尼亚大学性病蔓延计算模型,matlab分析说明(RTI International and University of Pennsylvania Model the Spread of Epidemics Using MATLAB and MathWorks Parallel Computing Tools)
    2012-03-25 10:48:47下载
  • CIC
    image compression and decompression...
    2013-04-01 20:15:39下载
  • On-lineMultistepPredictiveControlofTempretureBased
    预测控制是一种新型的控制算法之一。经典的PID控制方法简单方便,但是精度不高。近年来发展的自适应、自校正方法精度高,但其本质要求在线辨识对象模型,对过程的未建模动态和扰动的适应能力差,鲁棒性不好。预测控制方法集PID和自适应方法二者之长,是一种面向工业过程特点、对模型要求低、在线计算方便、控制精度高的算法。数字计算机向小型、高速、大容量、低成本方向的发展,为预测控制这类新算法的实现提供了物质基础。 本文以PCT—Ⅲ型过程控制系统装置为平台,将预测控制算法运用到实际系统中去,该装置分为水位系统和温度系统。本文是将多步预测控制算法运用到温度系统。应用控制软件采用北京亚控公司的组态王软件(KingView),它界面设计能力强,也可以简单编程,但计算能力差,不能进行矩阵计算。而在温度多步预测控制中,计算量大,编程复杂,因此引入Matlab软件解决计算和编程,要解决的问题是MATLAB和组态王的数据交换,采用动态数据交换技术(DDE)。 预测控制算法有多种,本文采用的是动态矩阵控制方法(DMC)。(Predictive control is one of a new control algorithm. The classic PID control method is simple, but the accuracy is not high. In recent years the development of adaptive, self-calibration method is accurate, but its object model online identification of the essential requirements of the process unmodeled dynamics and disturbances poor adaptability, robustness is not good. Prediction and adaptive PID control method sets the length of the two methods is a feature for industrial processes, low requirement on the model, online convenience of calculation, the control algorithm for high accuracy. Digital computers to small, high-speed, large capacity, lower costs of development, such as predictive control implementation of the new algorithm provides the material base. In this paper, PCT-Ⅲ type of process control system devices as a platform, the predictive control algorithm to apply to the actual system, the device is divided into water system and temperature system. This is a multi-step pre)
    2010-12-24 14:04:25下载
  • rec2
    auto regression method and examples
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    硕士论文用到的仿真程序,供大家参考 本文研究了基于磁链误差观测的控制方案,也就是采用SVPWM优化方案。将电压矢量脉宽调制技术和直接转矩技术相结合,利用磁链和转矩误差选择任意相位和幅值的电压空间矢量,从而减小了转矩脉动。(DTC, zero voltage vector, the stator flux linkage sectors subdivision, the asymmetry of flux increments asymmetry, SVPWM, torque ripple)
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