atmega128 的相关例子,有led灯,AD采集等相关的程序.(Several examples ATmega_128_ common procedures, such as light water ad)
- 2014-07-18 16:31:22下载
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CAN总线电平,讲述CAN总线的电平运用(CAN high and can low,this is a text about how to unsderand can level.)
- 2013-08-21 08:31:46下载
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说明: 些程序为STM32F103VET6驱动CMOS摄像头OV7670的程序。采用AL422B作为FIFO帧缓冲,显示采用3.5寸TFT ILI9481,单片机FSMC方式驱动TFT,非常好用。(These procedures STM32F103VET6 drive OV7670 CMOS camera program. As the FIFO frame buffer with AL422B display with 3.5-inch TFT ILI9481, are driven SCM FSMC TFT, very easy to use.)
- 2011-03-22 19:34:31下载
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对研究智能电网可靠性评估的同学来说是很好的参考书(Study of smart grid reliability assessment of students is a good reference book)
- 2014-12-14 14:31:42下载
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一个数字类型可提高开关电源的设计与实现,可以是很好的借鉴,但是要用特殊软件打开,把文件后缀复制到百度就可以找到(A digital type can increase the switching power supply design and implementation, can be a good reference, but use special software to open, copy the file suffix can be found on Baidu)
- 2011-07-23 18:41:24下载
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流水灯 能控制LED灯逐次闪烁,并能调控亮灭的时间 等(Water light can control the successive flashing LED lights, and can control the time of light off)
- 2011-08-05 19:05:32下载
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STM32 BQ24159 源码, 通过I2C连接(STM32 BQ24159 source code , via i2c bus to communicate)
- 2020-06-30 10:00:01下载
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PROTUES 7.5 破解版仿真软件,学习单片机必备(PROTUES 7.5 cracked version of simulation software, learning essential SCM)
- 2010-09-13 03:16:27下载
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RTX实时操作系统是应用于小型嵌入式多任务准并行操作系统实时性高系统性能好(RTX real-time operating system is applied to a small embedded multi task quasi parallel operating system with high real-time performance and good performance.)
- 2017-11-30 15:04:22下载
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直接转矩控制模型,采用绕线式异步电动机.仿真圆形磁链(Model of direct torque control using induction motor winding. Simulation of radio flux)
- 2009-06-02 02:38:40下载
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