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于 2009-01-16 发布 文件大小:26KB
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  利用Eclipse开发的基于sun公司jxta协议的Jxta管道编程的通信程序(The use of sun-based Eclipse development company Jxta pipeline agreement JXTA programming Communication Program)





0 个回复

  • AutoCanService_jiah
    无作用,无需下载,不用预览,只是开通功能(No effect, no downloading, no preview, only open function)
    2017-11-28 17:59:20下载
  • MailSystem
    设计一个邮寄包裹的收费系统,在邮寄类型确定的情况下,包裹的邮资由包裹的重量a,邮寄距离b,保价金额c三个参数决定。 如:普通邮件(RegularMail)的邮费 = 3(a+b/100)+0.01c 挂号邮件(RegisterdMail)的邮费 = 4(a+b/100)+0.02c等等 请设计一个系统,计算包裹的邮资。系统使用图形用户界面,用户在图形用户界面选择邮寄类型,再输入重量、距离和报价金额,单击确定按钮系统就计算出包裹的邮资。要求系统能够灵活的增减邮寄类型和修改某种邮寄类型的邮资计算方法。(Design of a parcel of charge system, the type identified in the case of mail, parcels by the weight of the parcel postage a, mailing distance b, c insured amount three parameters. Such as: regular mail (RegularMail) postage = 3 (a+b/100)+0.01c registered mail (RegisterdMail) postage = 4 (a+b/100)+0.02c etc. Please design a system to calculate the parcel postage. System using the graphical user interface, users select the mail type graphical user interface, and then enter the weight, distance and offer amount, click the OK button the system will calculate the parcel postage. Require the system to increase or decrease mailing flexible type and modify some types of mailing postage calculation.)
    2013-11-14 13:27:11下载
  • VCardParser_V40
    vCard parser for vCard 4.0.
    2013-11-21 22:07:30下载
  • ddvip_com_0337499a9ecfc5
    说明:  本系统采用struts+spring+hibernate架构,重在讲述三者结合在一起的应用开发,所有源程序都有详细的注释,供入门者学生参考,未经作者允许不得用于商业用途,只能用于教学或个人学习。 程序只是整个系统中的一个模块,用于和各位程序爱好者交流之用。 使用方法: (1)在oracle数据库中运行数据库脚本文件cnc.sql. (2)用eclipse(或其它开发工具)直接导入工程. (3)将spring配置文件applicationContext.xml中数据库连接地址改为您自已的地址。 (4)部署到tomcat服务器中即可运行(jdk1.5以上). 用户名和密码均为:admin(The system uses struts+ Spring+ Hibernate framework, focusing on the three combined application development, all have detailed source notes, for beginners to students without author permit shall not be used for commercial purposes, can only be used in teaching or individual learning. Procedures for the entire system is only one of the modules, and all procedures for lovers to exchange purposes. Usage: (1) in the oracle database to run the database script file cnc.sql. (2) to use eclipse (or other development tools) directly into the project. (3) spring configuration file applicationContext.xml in the database connection address changed your own address. (4) deployed to the tomcat server to run (jdk1.5 and above). A user name and password are: admin)
    2008-09-25 12:59:43下载
  • struts_login
    j2ee MyEclipse6.5+struts1.2环境下的登录系统 登录验证 用户数据保存在数据库(j2ee MyEclipse6.5+ struts1.2 system registry under the login authentication user data stored in the database)
    2010-06-17 14:28:36下载
  • 简历
    说明:  jianli muban gezhogn xiangxing
    2020-06-20 01:20:02下载
  • AJAX2B-S
    一个报税管理系统AJAX第二版B-S.rar(net-tax system)
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  • Arcgis
    Arcgis 资料文档。包含基础教程和Arcgis Server 10.1使用教程。(materials about Arcgis, including Arcgis basement class and user manul of Arcgis server)
    2014-09-22 10:50:29下载
  • Eclipse
    多语言程序设计环境Eclipse学习教程,较多用于Java开发。(Multi-language programming environment Eclipse tutorials, mostly used for Java development.)
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  • JFunc
    buffer Arg Names Source Code for Andriod.
    2014-01-03 19:40:26下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104573会员总数
  • 29今日下载