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于 2013-01-01 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  gmsk demodulation source code



0 个回复

  • matlabsmith
    基于smith圆图的matlab分析 在matlab上设计smith圆图 然后简介(Based design smith and Introduction of the circle diagram in matlab matlab smith chart' s analysis)
    2012-06-17 22:50:46下载
  • Ackley
    Not mine code, but very usefull!
    2013-10-24 20:38:04下载
  • DC-motor-braking
    一些直流电动机的制动matlab例子,很经典实用(DC motor braking matlab example, it is classic and practical)
    2012-05-13 09:29:00下载
  • 978-1-4471-4681-0
    Robust Control Design with MATLAB® 2nd 源码(Robust Control Design with MATLAB 2nd matlab Source)
    2014-09-29 01:36:16下载
  • moshishibiesuanfasheji
    模式识别的一种算法,主要是设计和计算相应的支持向量机支撑的一种算法分析。(An algorithm for pattern recognition, mainly design and the corresponding support vector machine algorithm supported calculated.)
    2014-11-21 20:13:13下载
  • WienerScalart96
    维纳滤波器(Wiener filter)是由数学家维纳(Rorbert Wiener)提出的一种以最小平方为最优准则的线性滤波器。在一定的约束条件下,其输出与一给定函数(通常称为期望输出)的差的平方达到最小,通过数学运算最终可变为一个托布利兹方程的求解问题。维纳滤波器又被称为最小二乘滤波器或最小平方滤波器,目前是基本的滤波方法之一。(Wiener filter (Wiener filter) is caused by a mathematician Wiener (Rorbert Wiener) proposed guidelines for the minimum square optimal linear filter. Under certain constraints, which outputs a given function (often called the desired output) reaches the minimum squared differential, the final mathematical operation may become a problem solving Equation Leeds Taub. Wiener filter is also known as the least squares filter or least squares filter, currently one of the basic filtering methods.)
    2014-01-23 22:20:12下载
  • Matlab3
    :基于Matlab语言的遗传算法工具箱支持二进制和浮点数编码方式,并且提供了多种选择、交叉、变异的方法。 通过具体实例对Matlab的遗传算法工具箱的用法进行了说明介绍。(: Based on the Matlab language genetic algorithm toolbox and floating point support for binary encoding, and provides a wide range of selection, crossover and mutation method. Through concrete examples of Matlab genetic algorithm toolbox described the usage of introduction.)
    2007-09-07 20:08:09下载
  • gmm
    Creates a Gaussian mixture model with specified architecture.MIX = GMM(DIM, NCENTRES, COVARTYPE) takes the dimension of the space DIM, the number of centres in the mixture model and the type of the mixture model, and returns a data structure MIX.
    2008-03-21 11:48:36下载
  • simple
    计算流体力学里常用的simple算法实现,尤其对不可压缩流体数值模拟。以库埃特流为例(Computational fluid dynamics in the simple algorithm used to achieve, especially for numerical simulation of incompressible fluid. Couette flow as an example to)
    2008-06-06 14:30:12下载
  • density
    machine learning-Density Estimation objects. parzen - Parzen s windows kernel density estimator indep - Density estimator which assumes feature independence bayes - Classifer based on density estimation for each class gauss - Normal distribution density estimator
    2012-07-11 19:52:39下载
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