说明: 基于股票分析方法的电力系统负荷预测:主要思路是从过去的负荷中得出对应的DIF值、DEA值、MACD值。然后再通过DIF去估测明天DIF估计值、DEA估计值、MACD估计值。然后又通过DEA、MACD估计值算出一个新的DIF估计值。再将这两个DIF估计值算术平均得出一个新的DIF估计值,然后反推出负荷的预测值,这样就完成了负荷预测。(The main idea is drawn from the past load values corresponding to the DIF, DEA value, MACD value. And then estimate DIF ,DEA,MACD in tomorrow use the past DIF , DEA , MACD. Then through the DEA, MACD calculate a new estimate of DIF. Then the arithmetic average of the two estimated DIF derived a new estimate of DIF, and then introduce predictive value of load, so that is the completion of the load forecast. )