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于 2010-05-06 发布 文件大小:15262KB
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  本书以循序渐进的方式教授您如何防御最新的基于Java的攻击,让您透彻理解黑客的邪恶方法和思考过程。通过贯穿全书的Java和J2EE实际可用代码,您将目睹真实世界中的黑客事件并学习相应对策。(Step by step book to teach you how to defense the latest Java-based attacks, allowing you to thoroughly understand the hacker' s evil methods and thinking processes. Throughout the book by the actual Java and J2EE code available, you will see the real world events and learn hacking countermeasures.)



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  • Homework08
    说明:  利用前面提到的SupplyDepot、Transport和CapableOfBeingRefefuelled类/接口,为Air-plane增加一个main()方法,然后为supplyDepot等增加必要的字段、参数和代码,以便CapableOfBeingRefefuelled能够告诉service()方法需要加多少油。同时要确保Depot中的油应相应地减少,而实现CapableOfBeingRefefuelledi的类对象应相应地增加。(Using the upplyDepot, Transport and ApableOfBeingRefefuelled classes/interfaces mentioned above, add a main () method to Air-plane, and then add the necessary fields, parameters and codes to supplyDepot, so that CapableOfBeingRefefuelled can tell service () how much fuel the method needs. At the same time, we should ensure that the oil in Depot should be reduced accordingly, and the class objects that implement Capable OfBeingRefefuelledi should be increased accordingly.)
    2020-12-07 21:59:21下载
  • WebSphere
    WebSphere快速入门.pdf 送给正在学习WebSphere的朋友。(WebSphere)
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  • Struts2
    Struts2 技术内幕——深入解析Struts2架构设计与实现原理(Struts2 technology insider- in-depth analysis of Struts2 architecture design and implementation principles)
    2017-01-10 09:23:10下载
  • sshlx
    对于新学习SSH的同学很有帮助,对ssh的使用以及应用的实例(SSH for new students to learn helpful, the use of ssh and application examples)
    2011-04-25 17:53:50下载
  • www.RoboHobby.com_Java_ME_Disc
    Java program that teaches you how to
    2013-10-30 02:10:40下载
  • 数据结构与算法
    说明:  JAVA版数据结构与算法,包括代码,图解算法,pdf文档等(Data Structure and Algorithms of JAVA Edition)
    2019-06-30 10:21:31下载
  • 学生成绩管理系统
    说明:  1. 能够实现根据以下关键字查询:学生姓名 、学号、班级、课程名称。 2. 能够实现按照单科成绩、总成绩、平均成绩、学号排序。 3. 能够实现学生信息的插入、删除和修改。 4. 能够查询每个课程的最高分、最低分及相应学生姓名、班级和学号。 5. 能够查询每个班级某门课程的优秀率(90 分及以上)、不及格率,并进行排序。(1. Be able to query according to the following keywords: student name, student number, class, course name. 2. It can be sorted according to single subject score, total score, average score and student number. 3. Be able to insert, delete and modify student information. 4. Be able to query the highest score and lowest score of each course and the corresponding student name, class and student number. 5. Be able to query the excellent rate (90 points and above) and failure rate of a course in each class, and sort them.)
    2021-03-17 19:19:21下载
  • RobotDoctor - 基于知识图谱的智能医疗诊断系统
    说明:  信息科技经过 60 余年的发展,已经普及到社会生活的每一个角落。随着信息技术在国家治理、经济运行的方方面面的应用,大量的数据随之产生。而互联网技术的爆发式发展使得近年来产生的数据总量超过了人类以往产生的历史数据的总和,医疗行业的数据增长幅度尤为突出。 医疗大数据具有巨大的价值,尤其是在临床辅助诊疗和健康管理方面。医疗大数据已经上升到国家战略,同时也是全球学术界与产业界竞争的研究热点。如何利用这些医疗数据,挖掘数据的深层价值,是未来信息科技发展的趋势,也是医疗大数据技术产生的背景。(After more than 60 years of development, information technology has spread to every corner of social life. With the application of information technology in all aspects of national governance and economic operation, a large number of data are generated. The explosive development of Internet technology has made the total amount of data generated in recent years exceed the total amount of historical data generated by human beings in the past, and the growth rate of data in the medical industry is particularly prominent. Big medical data have great value, especially in clinical assistant diagnosis and health management. Big medical data has risen to national strategy, and it is also a research hotspot in the competition between global academia and industry. How to use these medical data to excavate the deep value of the data is the trend of the development of information technology in the future, and also the background of the emergence of medical big data technology.)
    2019-03-11 16:38:21下载
  • JTextCopy
    创建一个DEMO窗口,将第一个文本区域的文字通过点击COPY复制到下一个文本区域,CLEAR清空,CLOSE关闭(Create a DEMO window, the first text area COPY copy the text to the next by clicking on a text area, CLEAR Clear, CLOSE close)
    2011-05-21 14:48:43下载
  • ZhiVote_v4.0.0
    说明:  随着计算机和电子通讯技术的飞速发展和网络应用的深化,网络版的投票评选在活动中的方便性和重要性,目前系统定位于投票评选行业的量身开发,打造行业的领先服务评选品牌,系统整合单选/多选一体化功能,并适合图文评选,适合用于大型媒体单位、机关单位、院校机构、集团公司、门户网站可用于城市评选、美景评选、优秀人物评选、活动评选,事迹评选. 系统功能: 1、IP封锁管理、代理IP安全过滤功能,上传文件管理,防SQl注入,脏话过滤功能 2、单选/多选切换,投票开关,验证码开关,有效时间功能 3、防刷开关,防刷时间,安全页面跳转功能 4、IP开关功能,有效时间控制,IP可投票管理 5、会员开关功能,有效时间功能,会员有效投票管理 6、Cookies开关功能,有效时间功能,Cookies有效投票管理 7、多权限后台管理功能,认证码登入功能。 8、完善会员注册,推荐评选,支持多图上传功能 9、新闻发布,和分类管理、评选新闻功能 10、评选咨询,在线回复管理功能 11、关于我们,友情链接管理功能 12、评选排行,人气排行图形显示功能 20110317修正: 1、新版会员模块显示修复 2、会员上传模块显示修复 3、编辑器调用修复 (With the computer and the rapid development of electronic communication technologies and network applications, deepening voted online version of the convenience in the activities and importance of)
    2011-03-26 21:18:15下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104569会员总数
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