measurement for state estimation
- 2013-03-02 17:57:54下载
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模糊PID算法的Matlab实现, 参照的就是同名的那本书.:)(Fuzzy PID Algorithm Matlab realize the light is the same name that book.:))
- 2007-08-29 18:25:13下载
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采用LSE算法的OFDM系统信道估计表现 (LSE algorithm for OFDM systems with channel estimation performance)
- 2010-07-09 17:57:36下载
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利用GA來模擬鳥群尋找食物的行為,方法就是找尋距離食物最近的鳥之周圍區域及根據自己本身飛行的經驗判斷食物的所在(The use of GA to simulate the behavior of the flock in search of food, the methodology is to find the nearest bird food from around the region and according to their own experience of flying to judge the location of food)
- 2010-01-16 00:26:54下载
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说明: 故障诊断工作涉及的领域相当广泛,需要不同分工的人员合作完成,本软件力图为故障诊断不同分工的工作者的合作交流提供一个简易的实验性系统平台。(fault diagnosis involves a fairly wide area, the division of the need to cooperate to complete, The software is trying to fault diagnosis division of the workers of cooperation and exchange with a simple experimental system platform.)
- 2006-04-19 16:44:55下载
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MATLAB Programming for Engineers第四版,巨好的参考代码(MATLAB Programming for Engineers, 4e)
- 2013-02-21 19:15:05下载
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matlab在振动分析中的应用源代码 包括各种信号处理的时域频域方法 强烈推荐 仅供学习交流(matlab in vibration analysis application source code, including various signal processing frequency domain method is strongly recommended for learning exchanges)
- 2013-11-04 19:15:39下载
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图形图像融合MATLAB算法代码,含有相关图片(image processor matlab)
- 2015-04-17 19:58:47下载
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说明: 假定导引头工作在理想状态,能够无延迟无误差地输出与视线角速度成比例的信号u,在此情况下的导引律(Assuming that the seeker works in an ideal state, it can output the signal U proportional to the angular velocity of the line of sight without delay and error. In this case, the guidance law)
- 2019-07-29 14:32:54下载
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说明: 禁忌(Tabu Search)算法是一种亚启发式(meta-heuristic)随机搜索算法,它从一个初始可行解出发,选择一系列的特定搜索方向(移动)作为试探,选择实现让特定的目标函数值变化最多的移动。为了避免陷入局部最优解,TS搜索中采用了一种灵活的“记忆”技术,对已经进行的优化过程进行记录和选择,指导下一步的搜索方向,这就是Tabu表的建立。(Tabu Search algorithm is a meta-heuristic random search algorithm. It starts from an initial feasible solution, chooses a series of specific search directions (movement) as a trial, and chooses to achieve the movement that makes the most changes in the value of a specific objective function. To avoid falling into local optimum, TS search uses a flexible "memory" technology to record and select the optimization process that has been carried out, and to guide the next search direction, which is the establishment of Tabu table.)
- 2020-12-19 20:59:09下载
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