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  常用中长期水文预报Visual Basic 6.0 应用程序及实例(Common long-term hydrological forecasting Visual Basic 6.0 applications and examples)


常用中长期水文预报Visual Basic6_0应用程序及实例_11291461



0 个回复

  • MergeSmallRegionArcgis
    arcgis合并碎区程序。可实现arcgis的 dissolve 和 eliminate 不能实现的更复杂的条件合并。(arcgis merge small region programm.make more function that tools dissolve and eliminate of arcgis can t making.)
    2015-08-02 10:08:19下载
  • MonitorCreateProcessEvent
    利用WMI监视进程的创建 Private Sub StartMonitorCreateProcessEvent() Set CreateProcessEvent = New SWbemSink Set objSWbemServices = GetObject("winmgmts:\. ootcimv2") objSWbemServices.ExecNotificationQueryAsync CreateProcessEvent, "SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 1 WHERE TargetInstance ISA Win32_Process " End Sub(Use WMI to monitor process creation Private Sub StartMonitorCreateProcessEvent () Set CreateProcessEvent = New SWbemSink Set objSWbemServices = GetObject ( )
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  • statueopengl
    simple statue code opengl
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  • circuit-design-system
    VB版电子电路设计模拟与分析系统。。。。(VB version of the analog electronic circuit design and analysis system )
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  • ProgrammingApplicationsforWindows
    WINDOWS核心编程,已编译的htm格式,内容完整,只有3M多,比pdf文档节省。(WINDOWS core programming, compiled htm format, the content is complete, only 3M, pdf files than savings.)
    2007-06-27 17:19:45下载
  • read-grade-calculate-average-grade
    可以从一个txt文件中读取出若干个学生的各科成绩,并且计算出每科的平均成绩。对学生的成绩进行排序,还可以显示出每科的最高分。并且可以生成txt文件把这些结果用储存起来。(It can read a number of students grades in all subjects a txt file, and calculate the average score for each subject. Sort on student achievement, but also can show the highest score for each subject.Besides ,it can generate txt files to store theses results.)
    2015-01-24 18:17:12下载
  • CursorMouseDemo
    创建并设置鼠标光标,VC++精选编程源码,很好的参考。(Create and set the mouse cursor, VC++ select programming source code, a good reference.)
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  • DrvSpace
    利用mfc制作一个可以显示磁盘使用状况的对话框,供初学者学习对话框的制作以及与系统资源交互的编程方法。(The use of mfc create a disk usage can display the dialog box, for beginners to learn the production of the dialog box, as well as interact with the system resources programming method.)
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  • TestWindowsServer
    Windows服务的源码,实现了Windows服务的整个过程,可直接使用(Source Windows services, Windows services to achieve the whole process, and can be used directly)
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  • xueye
    利用散列函数和哈希表建立一个鞋业管理系统。实现添加货物、浏览货物、查找货物、修改货物、删除货物。并且在屏幕上输出相应结果。 本程序用Visual Basic 6.0编写,共分7个模块frmMain(主窗口模块)、frmNew(新建物品窗口模块)、frmuserlook(浏览数据窗口模块)、frmsearch(查找窗口模块)、frmamend(修改窗口模块)、frmdel(删除窗口模块)和all (数据声名模块)。实现添加货物、浏览货物、查找货物、修改货物、删除货物的功能。 (The use of hash function and hash table to establish a management system for the footwear industry. Add realize goods, browse the goods, to locate the goods, modify the goods, the deletion of the goods. And output on the screen corresponding results. This procedure prepared using Visual Basic 6.0, consists of seven module frmMain (main window module), frmNew (new items window module), frmuserlook (browser window data module), frmsearch (Find window module), frmamend (modified window module), frmdel (delete window module) and all (the data module name). Add realize goods, browse the goods, to locate the goods, modify the goods, cargo delete function.)
    2007-11-07 23:24:30下载
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