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  Character Recognition Example (I&II)- Pre-processing of Image (Matlab Code)(Character Recognition (I)



0 个回复

  • EED
    this program is solving the economic environmental dispatch problem
    2015-03-20 18:27:33下载
  • paper
    all this are the IEEE papers in which Adaptive equaliztion is done with diff algortihm techniques
    2011-01-14 21:25:22下载
  • leach1
    leach algorithm simulation for matlab
    2012-10-25 09:51:49下载
  • login
    收集的matlab实现密码登录框,星号隐藏密码不显示.组测和登陆(Password box ,password hidden)
    2015-04-25 14:41:16下载
  • Simulink
    采用simulink和stateflow对ABS模型中的连续控制和离散控制进行仿真(Using simulink and Stateflow model of the ABS control and discrete control of continuous simulation)
    2007-09-25 13:06:55下载
  • HurstEstimator
    说明:  分形分析中很重要的Hurst指数的计算程序,并包含Hurst指数等于0.7和0.8的两个样本序列(Fractal Analysis of a very important Hurst index calculation program, and includes Hurst index equal to 0.7 and 0.8 in two samples of sequences)
    2008-10-21 16:03:35下载
  • Frequency-domain-Denoising-of-1D-Signals
    Denoising of Signals using customized thresholding
    2015-04-18 23:52:22下载
  • NMF-DTU-Toolbox
    matlab源代码,是非负矩阵分解工具箱,包含乘法更新,最小二乘约束,投影梯度法等方法(Usage: [W,H] = nmf(X,K,alg,maxiter,speak) W: output matrix H: output matrix X: input matrix K: number of components alg: algorithm to use maxiter: maximum number of iterations speak: print to screen Algorithms: mm: Multiplicative updates method using euclidean distance measure. cjlin: Projected gradient method prob: Probabilistic non-negative matrix factorization. als: Alternating least squares. alsobs: Alternating least squares with optimal brain surgeon. Demonstrations: PET: NMF on a PET dataset Text: NMF used on a three different datasets Email, medical, and CNN. Algorithms mm: Multiplicative update method using euclidean distance measure. Described in Lee and Seung, 2001, Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13, 556-562. This algorithm is the most commonly used algorithm to solve NMF. cjlin: Alternative non-negative least squares using projected gradients. Author: Chih-Je)
    2021-04-22 19:28:48下载
  • pvcell_1
    说明:  根据光伏电池等效模型在matlab/simulink中进行搭建的光伏电池模型,初始设置:光照强度:1000w/㎡,温度:25℃。(According to the photovoltaic cell model built in Matlab/Simulink, the initial setting,light intensity is 1000, temperature is 25.)
    2020-02-14 15:21:15下载
  • curv
    角点的计算calculate the curvature of image(calculate the curvature of image)
    2010-10-07 11:24:03下载
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