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于 2010-05-05 发布 文件大小:5KB
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说明:  几种常用的随机数生成函数的matlab程序(Several commonly used random number generator function of matlab program)



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  • article5
    2013-11-14 20:44:29下载
  • Matlab函数逼近与拟合.part7
    说明:  Matlab 函数逼近与拟合... 有理函数逼近... 常用的正交多项式逼近..各种最小二乘拟合...连分式逼近... Padé逼近... 傅里叶逼近...(Matlab Function Approximation and Fitting code)
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  • vad814_wanshang
    在BCB平台上的语音端点检测程序,直接调用函数即可实现检测 而且标注清晰 返回的数据 为重新组合的语音!(In the BCB platform of voice activity detection program, call the function can be realized directly detect and mark a clear return to the data re-combination of voice!)
    2010-08-15 17:21:40下载
  • matlab
    matlab書籍的簡介 張智星 適合剛入門程式語言的人(Zhang Zhi brief introduction matlab book stars)
    2009-03-26 17:48:02下载
  • cofdmsimulator1
    一个coded ofdm的程序(a coded ofdm procedures)
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  • fushi
    不同结构元素的腐蚀效果。MATLAB环境代码,配有实验用图。《精通Matlab数字图像处理与识别》(Corrosive effects of different structural elements. MATLAB environment code with experimental Figure)
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  • CDMA
    毕业设计的基于8QAM+zcz序列的准同步CDMA通信系统仿真(   This article will be given below 8QAM+ ZCZ sequence sets up method and analysis, will further introduce the relevant definitions zero correlation sequence and some properties and characteristics, including non-cycle related, cycle-related, Qi cycle and other characteristics. The reason why is because the study of these theories using this sequence, in the Gaussian channel conditions and system performance in terms of interference is very similar to the synchronization system and the system performance is far superior to an asynchronous system, and the extended sequence comparison the original sequence has better performance.)
    2014-03-25 21:17:56下载
  • ECG-detection
    检测心电. 输入为ECG的时域的数字离散化序列,输出检测到的R波数量,绘制.(detection of ECG.)
    2012-05-24 15:04:03下载
  • 3hurst
    Hurst指数是描述非函数长周期的重要指标。它有别于传统单位根检验,可以发现时间序列存在的超长周期性,可以用于判断市场风险,但运算相当繁琐,单独利用Excel计算费时又费力,作者在充分理解Hurst指数内涵和应用的基础上,利用Excel的宏语言VBA编写宏程序轻松实现Hurst指数的计算,通过这一工作也希望能使Hurst指数能够得到广泛的应用。(Hurst index is to describe the function of the long period of non-important indicator. It is different from the traditional unit root tests, time series can be found in the presence of the long periodicity, can be used to determine market risk, but the operation rather cumbersome, separate consuming and laborious calculations in Excel, the authors fully understand the meaning and application of the Hurst exponent based on the use of Excel macros written in VBA macro language easily Hurst index calculation, also hopes to make this work through the Hurst exponent can be widely used.)
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