说明: 贪心方法是一种改进了的分级处理方法。它首先根据题意,选取一种量度标准。然后按这种量度标准对这n个输入排序,并按排序一次输入一个量。如果这个输入和当前已构成在这种量度意义下的部分最优解加在一起不能产生一个可行解,则不把此解输入加到这部分解中。这种能够得到某种度量意义下的最优解的分级处理方法称为贪心方法。(greedy method is an improvement of the classification methods. According to its first title Italy, and a selection of standards of measurement. Then, under such a standard measure of this sort n input, with an input an order volume. If the input current and constitutes a measure of significance in this part of the optimal solution together not produce a feasible solution. this solution will not put this added to the importation of decomposition. This can be a meaningful measure of the optimal solution hierarchical method, known as greedy method.)