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于 2010-05-03 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  基于肤色的人脸检测,肤色的提取。基于肤色的人脸检测方法,包括肤色模型建立和肤色分割过程两大部分内容。在比较了颜色空间和两种模型后,选择了在 YCbCr 空间建立高斯模型。输入图像经过相似度计算、阈值分割、最后得到人脸区域。-(matlab color detection procedure. rgb2tsl.m color model used for conversion, will be converted to RGB mode TSL model. realize skin.m color detection, color region is white, non-color region is black.)





0 个回复

  • 双基地MIMO雷达系统 DOA DOD联合估计 MATLAB
    双基地MIMO雷达系统DOA和DOD联合估计的MATLAB仿真程序,系统架构和算法可参考以下两篇原始文献。 Haidong Yan,Jun Li, Guisheng Liao.Multi-Target Identification and Localization Using Bistatic MIMO Radar Systems.(cited by 106)EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing , vol.2008, Jan. 2008. Ming Jin,Guisheng Liao,Jun Li. Joint DOD and DOA Estimation for Bistatic MIMO Radar. Signal Processing, vol.89,no.2,pp:244-251,Feb.2009(MATLAB simulation program for bistatic MIMO radar DOA and DOD estimation. Please refer the following papers for further information of the bistatic MIMO radar systam and corresponding algorithm. Haidong Yan,Jun Li, Guisheng Liao.Multi-Target Identification and Localization Using Bistatic MIMO Radar Systems.(cited by 106)EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing , vol.2008, Jan. 2008. Ming Jin,Guisheng Liao,Jun Li. Joint DOD and DOA Estimation for Bistatic MIMO Radar. Signal Processing, vol.89,no.2,pp:244-251,Feb.2009)
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